Ruby - Number Numbers


To calculate the selling price or grand total of some item based on its pretax value or subtotal.


subtotal = 100.00 
taxrate = 0.175  # w  ww  . j  av a2  s.  co  m
tax = subtotal * taxrate 
puts "Tax on $#{subtotal} is $#{tax}, so grand total is $#{subtotal+tax}"


Here is a simple calculator that prompts the user to enter a subtotal:


taxrate = 0.175  
print "Enter price (ex tax): " 
s = gets #   ww w.j  a  va 2 s  .com
subtotal = s.to_f 
tax = subtotal * taxrate 
puts "Tax on $#{subtotal} is $#{tax}, so grand total is $#{subtotal+tax}"


Here s.to_f is a method of the String class.

It converts the string to a floating-point number.

For example, the string "145.45" would be converted to the floating-point number 145.45.

If the string cannot be converted, 0.0 is returned. For instance, "Hello world".to_f would return 0.0.

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