Swift - Operator Addition Operator


The addition operator + adds two numbers together.

When adding numeric values, be aware of some important subtleties.

First, integer addition is straightforward:

print(5 + 6)       //integer addition (11)

If you add a double to an integer, the result is a double:

print(5.1 + 6)     //double addition (11.1)

If you add two doubles, the result is a double:

print(5.1 + 6.2)   //double addition (11.3)

The addition operator can be used to concatenate two strings:

//string concatenation (Hello, World)
print("Hello, " + "World")

The addition operator can be used as a unary plus operator which operates on only one operand:

var num1 = 8
var anotherNum1 = +num1   //anotherNum1 is 8
var num2 = -9
var anotherNum2 = +num2   //anotherNum2 is -9

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