C++ Arithmetic Operator Body Mass Index (BMI) table


Using array<T,N> to create Body Mass Index (BMI) table

BMI = weight/(height*height)

weight in kilograms, height in meters

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <array>                                 // For array<T,N>
using std::cout;// w  w w . j ava 2 s  .com
using std::endl;
using std::setw;

int main()
  const unsigned int min_wt {100U};              // Minimum weight in table
  const unsigned int max_wt {250U};              // Maximum weight in table
  const unsigned int wt_step {10U};
  const int wt_count {1 + (max_wt - min_wt) / wt_step};
  const unsigned int min_ht {48U};               // Minimum height in table
  const unsigned int max_ht {84U};               // Maximum height in table
  const unsigned int ht_step {2U};
  const int ht_count { 1 + (max_ht - min_ht) / ht_step };

  const double lbs_per_kg {2.2};
  const double ins_per_m {39.37};
  std::array<unsigned int, wt_count> weight_lbs {};
  std::array<unsigned int, ht_count> height_ins {};

  // Create weights from 100lbs in steps of 10lbs
  for (int i{}, w{ min_wt } ; i < wt_count ; w += wt_step, ++i)
    weight_lbs[i] = w;
  // Create heights from 48 inches in steps of 2 inches
  int i {};
  for (unsigned int h{ min_ht } ; h <= max_ht ; h += ht_step)
    height_ins.at(i++) = h;

  // Output table headings
  cout << setw(7) << " |";
  for (auto w : weight_lbs)
    cout << setw(5) << w << " |";
  cout << endl;

  // Output line below headings
  for (int i{1} ; i < wt_count ; ++i)
    cout << "---------";
  cout << endl;

  double bmi {};                                 // Stores BMI
  unsigned int feet {};                          // Whole feet foe output
  unsigned int inches {};                        // Whole inches for output
  const unsigned int inches_per_foot {12U};
  for (auto h : height_ins)
    feet = h / inches_per_foot;
    inches = h % inches_per_foot;
    cout <<  setw(2) << feet << "'" << setw(2) << inches << "\"" << "|";
    cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1);
    for (auto w : weight_lbs)
      bmi = h / ins_per_m;
      bmi = (w / lbs_per_kg) / (bmi*bmi);
      cout << setw(2) << " " << bmi << " |";
    cout << endl;

