C++ linked list template, and store Employee class


C++ linked list template, and store Employee class

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int LEN = 80;           //maximum length of names
class Employee//w ww .j a va 2s  .com
   char name[LEN];
   unsigned long number;
   friend istream& operator >> (istream& s, Employee& e);
   friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, Employee& e);
istream& operator >> (istream& s, Employee& e)
   cout << "\n   Enter last name: "; cin >> e.name;
   cout << "   Enter number: ";      cin >> e.number;
   return s;
ostream& operator << (ostream& s, Employee& e)
   cout << "\n   Name: " << e.name;
   cout << "\n   Number: " << e.number;
   return s;
template<class TYPE>                  //struct "link<TYPE>"
struct link                           //one element of list
   TYPE data;                         //data item
   link* next;                        //pointer to next link
template<class TYPE>                  //class "linklist<TYPE>"
class linklist
   link<TYPE>* first;              //pointer to first link
   linklist()                      //no-argument constructor
   { first = NULL; }            //no first link
   void additem(TYPE d);           //add data item (one link)
   void display();
template<class TYPE>
void linklist<TYPE>::additem(TYPE d)  //add data item
   link<TYPE>* newlink = new link<TYPE>;  //make a new link
   newlink->data = d;                 //give it data
   newlink->next = first;             //it points to next link
   first = newlink;                   //now first points to this
template<class TYPE>
void linklist<TYPE>::display()        //display all links
   link<TYPE>* current = first;       //set ptr to first link
   while( current != NULL )           //quit on last link
      cout << endl << current->data;  //display data
      current = current->next;        //move to next link
int main()
{                          //lemp is object of
    linklist<Employee> lemp;   //class "linklist<Employee>"
    Employee emptemp;          //temporary Employee storage
    char ans;                  //user's response ('y' or 'n')
       cin >> emptemp;         //get Employee data from user
       lemp.additem(emptemp);  //add it to linked list lemp
       cout << "\nAdd another (y/n)? ";
       cin >> ans;
    } while(ans != 'n');    //when user is done,
    lemp.display();            //display entire linked list
    cout << endl;
    return 0;

