C++ static_cast Conversion Question


Write a program that uses a static_cast function to convert between fundamental types.

You can use the following code structure:

#include <iostream> 

int main() 
    //your code here

#include <iostream> 

int main() 
    int x = 123; 
    double d = 456.789; 
    bool b = true; 

    double doubleresult = static_cast<double>(x); 
    std::cout << "Int to double: " << doubleresult << '\n'; 

    int intresult = static_cast<int>(d); // double to int 
    std::cout << "Double to int: " << intresult << '\n'; 

    bool boolresult = static_cast<bool>(x); // int to bool 
    std::cout << "Int to bool: " << boolresult << '\n'; 

