Java OCA OCP Practice Question 1194


How many final modifiers would need to be removed for this application to compile?

package mypkg; /*  w w w .j av  a 2 s .  c  om*/
public final class Main { 
        public final static int finish(final int score) { 
           final int win = 3; 
           final int result = score++ < 5 ? 2 : win; 
           return result+=win; 
        public static void main(final String[] v) { 
  • A. None
  • B. One
  • C. Two
  • D. The code will not compile.



The finish() method modifies two variables that are marked final, score and result.

The score variable is modified by the post-increment ++ operator, while the result variable is modified by the compound addition += operator.

Removing both final modifiers allows the code to compile.

For this reason, Option C is the correct answer.

