Java OCA OCP Practice Question 1318


Suppose threads aThread and bThread are both accessing a shared object named sharedOb.

aThread has just executed:


What code can bThread execute in order to get aThread out of the waiting state, no matter what other conditions prevail?

A.  aThread.notify(); 
B.  aThread.notifyAll(); 
C.  aThread.interrupt(); 
D.  sharedOb.notify(); 
E.  sharedOb.notifyAll(); 

C, E.


The notify() and notifyAll() methods affect the threads that are waiting for the object on which the call is made.

In other words, you notify the object, not the thread.

So A and B don't work.

When a thread is interrupted, it leaves the wait state and enters the InterruptedException handler, so C is correct.

D does not work because there might be multiple threads waiting for sharedOb.

E works because it guarantees that all waiting objects are moved out of the waiting state.

