Java OCA OCP Practice Question 1387


Given the application below and the choices available,

which lines must all be removed to allow the code to compile? (Choose three.)

1:  package mypkg; 
2:  public class Main { 
3:     public static void main(String[] time) { 
4:        final long winter = 10; 
5:        final byte season = 2; 
6:        int fall = 4; 
7:        final short summer = 3; 
8:        switch(season) { 
9:           case 1: 
10:          case winter: System.out.print("winter"); 
11:          default: 
12:          case fall: System.out.print("fall"); 
13:          case summer: System.out.print("summer"); 
14:          default: 
15:       } /*  w ww.  j  a v a 2  s . c o m*/
16:    } 
17: } 
  • A. Line 8
  • B. Line 9
  • C. Line 10
  • D. Line 11
  • E. Line 12
  • F. Line 13

C, D, E.


The value of a case statement must be a literal expression or a final constant variable, and have a compatible data type.

Lines 10 and 12 do not compile, making Options C and E correct answers.

Line 10 uses a constant value, but long is not compatible with switch statements.

Line 12 uses a variable that is not marked final.

Next, a switch statement may only have one default block.

Line 11 or 14 must be removed.

Since Line 14 is not in the list of options, Option D becomes the last correct answer.

The rest of the lines are fine since removing Lines 10, 11, and 12 allows the code to compile.

