Java OCA OCP Practice Question 1507


What will the following class print ?

public class Main{ 
   public static void main (String [] args){ 
      int a = 10; 
      int b = 20; 
      a +=  (a = 4); 
      b = b +  (b = 5); 
      System.out.println (a+ ",  "+b); 

Select 1 option

  • A. It will print 8, 25
  • B. It will print 4, 5
  • C. It will print 14, 5
  • D. It will print 4, 25
  • E. It will print 14, 25

Correct Option is  : E


a += (a =4) is same as a = a + (a=4).

First, a's value of 10 is kept aside and (a=4) is evaluated.

The statement (a=4) assigns 4 to a and the whole statement returns the value 4.

Thus, 10 and 4 are added and assigned back to a.

Same logic applies to b = b + (b = 5); as well.

