Java OCA OCP Practice Question 1650


Given the following code:.

package mypkg;/*from   w w  w  .java  2s.c om*/

enum Command {Compile, Test}            // (1)

public class Main {
 enum Command {Compile, Test}           // (2)
 static enum Military {
   enum Command {Compile, Test}         // (3)
 class Secret {
   enum Command {Compile, Test}         // (4)
 static class Open {
   enum Command {Compile, Test}         // (5)
 public static void declareWar() {
   enum Command {Compile, Test}         // (6)
 public void declarePeace() {
   enum Command {Compile, Test}         // (7)

Which enum declarations are not legal?.

Select the three correct answers.

  • (a) The enum declaration at (1) is not legal.
  • (b) The enum declaration at (2) is not legal.
  • (c) The enum declaration at (3) is not legal.
  • (d) The enum declaration at (4) is not legal.
  • (e) The enum declaration at (5) is not legal.
  • (f) The enum declaration at (6) is not legal.
  • (g) The enum declaration at (7) is not legal.

(d), (f), and (g)


A nested enum type must be declared inside a static member type, like (2), (3) and (5).

Note that a nested enum type is implicitly static, and the keyword static is not mandatory in this case.

An enum type cannot be local, as static member types cannot be declared locally.

