Java OCA OCP Practice Question 1874


Which statement best describes the following two methods?

public void m1() throws IOException { 
   final Writer w = new BufferedWriter( 
         new FileWriter("")); 
   w.write("Secret passcode"); 
   w.close(); // w  w  w  .  j a  v  a  2 s .  c  om
public void m2() throws IOException { 
   try(final Writer w = new BufferedWriter( 
         new FileWriter(""))) { 
      w.write("Secret passcode"); 
  • A. Both methods compile and are equivalent to each other.
  • B. Neither method compiles.
  • C. Only one of the methods compiles.
  • D. The methods compile, but one method may lead to a resource leak.



m1() does not take any steps to ensure the close() method is called after the resource is allocated.

m2() uses a try-with-resources block, which automatically tries to close the resource after it is used.

Option D is the correct answer.

Option A is incorrect since they are not equivalent to each other.

Options B and C are incorrect because both compile without issue.

