Java OCA OCP Practice Question 2153


Given the following code:

public class Main {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   Object[][] twoDimArray = {//from w w w . j ava 2 s .  com
       {"SQL",  -100.678,    44, 'X', true},
       {"Java",   50.88,    777, 'Y', false},
       {"Array", -20.4455, 5151, 'Z', false}
   for (Object[] oneDimArray : twoDimArray) {
     System.out.format(formatStr, oneDimArray);

Which declarations, when inserted at (1), will print the following:

|X|  SQL|t|(100.68)|    44|
|Y| Java|f|  +50.88|   777|
|Z|Array|f| (20.45)|  5151|


Select the two correct answers.

(a) String formatStr = "|%4$-1c|%5s|%5$1.1b|%(+8.2f|%6d|%n";
(b) String formatStr = "|%4$c|%5s|%5$.1b|%(+8.2f|%6s|%n";
(c) String formatStr = "|%4$c|%5s|%5$.1b|%2$(+-8.2f|%3$6s|%n";
(d) String formatStr = "|%4$c|%1$5s|%5$.1b|%2$(+8.2f|%3$,6d|%n";

(a) and (b)


First, note that the Object[] array oneDimArray is passed as varargs Object... to the format() method.

(a) In the format %4$-1c, -1 is superfluous if we only want to print 1 character.

4$ here indicates the fourth value in the oneDimArray that represents a row in the twoDimArray.

%5s implicitly refers to the first value in the oneDimArray, which is printed with a width of 5 characters right-justified.

In %5$1.1b, %5$ indicates the fifth value (boolean) in the oneDimArray.

The precision .1 indicates that only the first character should be printed.

The width of 1 is superfluous in 1.1.

%(+8.2f corresponds to the second value (float) in the oneDimArray, indicating that negative values should be enclosed in () and positive values should have the + sign.

The width is 8 and the precision is 2 decimals.

%6d corresponds to the third value (int) in the oneDimArray, indicating that the width is 6 characters.

(b) The superfluous -1 in (a) is missing in (b) for formatting a character.

The int value is formatted with %6s, giving the same result as %6d in (a).

(c) In the format specification %2$(+-8.2f, the - sign indicates that the value should be printed left-justified, not right-justified as in the output.

The format %3$6s in (c) only indicates the third argument (int value) explicitly.

(d) Arguments are made explicit.

The format %3$,6d specifies the locale-specific grouping separator (,), which is used for the value 5151, formatting it as 5,151.

This is not so in the output.

