Java OCA OCP Practice Question 2274


Which statement about the following class is true? Assume the file system is available and able to be modified.

package mypkg; //from w w w  . ja  v  a2  m
public class Main { 
   public boolean m(String tree) { 
      if(new File(tree).exists()) { 
         return true; 
      } else { 
         return new File(tree).mkdir(); 
   public static void main(String[] seeds) { 
      final Main creator = new Main(); 
  • A. The class compiles and always prints true at runtime.
  • B. The class compiles and always prints false at runtime.
  • C. The class compiles but the output cannot be determined until runtime.
  • D. The class compiles but may throw an exception at runtime.
  • E. The class does not compile.



The class compiles, making Option E incorrect.

If /p1/mypkg exists, then the first branch of the if-then statement executes, printing true at runtime.

If /p1/mypkg does not exist, the program will print true if /p1 exists and false if /p1 does not exist.

Unlike mkdirs(), which if used would always return true in this case, mkdir() will return false if part of the parent path is missing.

Option C is correct, and Options A and B are incorrect.

Option D is incorrect.

This code is not expected to throw an exception at runtime.

If the path could not be created, the mkdir() method just returns false.

