Java OCA OCP Practice Question 2671


Given that IllegalArgumentException extends RuntimeException, and given:

11.  static String s = "";  
12.  public static void main(String[] args) {  
13.    try { m(); }  
14.    catch (Exception ex) { s += "c1 "; }  
15.    System.out.println(s);  //  www. ja  va2 s .  co  m
16.  }  
17.  static void m() throws RuntimeException {  
18.    try {  
19.      s += "t1 ";  
20.      throw new IllegalArgumentException();  
21.    }   
22.    catch (IllegalArgumentException ie) { s += "c2 "; }  
23.    throw new IllegalArgumentException();  
24.  } 

What is the result?

  • A. c1 t1 c2
  • B. c2 t1 c1
  • C. t1 c1 c2
  • D. t1 c2 c1
  • E. Compilation fails.
  • F. An uncaught exception is thrown at runtime.

D is correct.


The first exception is handled in m(); the second is declared in m() and handled in main().

