Java OCA OCP Practice Question 2717


Which two options can fill in the blanks to make this code compile? (Choose all that apply.)

1:    public class Generic________ { 
2:       public static void main(String[] args) { 
3:          Generic<String> g = new Generic_______(); 
4:          Generic<Object> g2 = new Generic(); 
5:       } 
6:    } 
  • A. On line 1, fill in with <>.
  • B. On line 1, fill in with <T>.
  • C. On line 1, fill in with <?>.
  • D. On line 3, fill in with <>.
  • E. On line 3, fill in with <T>.
  • F. On line 3, fill in with <?>.

B, D.


Line 1 is a generic class that requires specifying a name for the type.

Options A and C are incorrect because no type is specified.

Line 3 tries to use the diamond operator to instantiate the class.

Option E is incorrect because T is not a class and certainly not one compatible with String.

Option F is incorrect because a wildcard cannot be specified on the right side when instantiating an object.

