Java OCA OCP Practice Question 3112


Consider the following program:

public class Main{
        public static void main(String []args) {
               int c = 'a';
               float f = 10;
               long ell = 100L;
               System.out.printf("char val is %c, float val is %f, long int val is %ld \n", c, f, ell);

Which one of the following options best describes the behavior of this program when executed?

a) prints: char val is a, float val is 10.000000, long int val is 100.
b) prints: char val is 65, float val is 10.000000, long int val is 100.
c) prints: char val is a, float val is 10, long int val is 100L.
d) prints: char val is 65, float val is 10.000000, long int val is 100L.
e) prints: char val is 65, float val is 10, long int val is 100L.
f) throws an exception of java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException: Conversion = 'l'.



There is no format specifier for long int, and the same %d format specifier for int is used for long as well.

So, the format specifier %ld results in a runtime exception UnknownFormatConversionException.

