Java OCA OCP Practice Question 3166


Consider the following interface declaration:

public interface Rotatable {
     void rotate(float degree);
     // insert code

Now, consider following options which could be replaced with "// insert code":

  • I. public final float degree = 0;
  • II. public static final float degree = 0;
  • III. public final static float degree = 0;
  • IV. public final float degree;
  • V. public float degree;
  • VI. float degree = 0;

Choose the correct option:

  • A. Options I, II, III, and VI will compile without errors.
  • B. Options I, II, and III will compile without errors.
  • C. Options I will compile without errors.
  • D. Options IV, and V will compile without errors.
  • E. All options will compile without errors.


