Java OCA OCP Practice Question 430


Which of the following statements are acceptable?

Select 4 options

A. Object o = new ("a.txt"); 
   (Assume that is a valid class.) 

B. Boolean bool = false; /*w  w  w. j  a  va  2 s .  co  m*/

C. char ch = 10; 

D. Thread t = new Runnable (); 
   (Assume that Runnable is a valid interface.) 

E. Runnable r = new Thread (); 
   (Assume that Thread is a class that implements Runnable interface) 

Correct Options are  : A B C E


A. is correct. This is valid because every object in Java is an Object.

B. is correct.

bool is a variable of type Boolean and not of a primitive type boolean.

However this is still valid because Java performs auto-boxing (and unboxing) for primitives and their wrapper types which allows false to be automatically be boxed into a Boolean false object.

C. is correct. Because 10 can fit into a char.

D. is wrong.

Since Runnable is an interface, it cannot be instantiated like this.

But you can do:

Runnable r = new Runnable (){ 
     public void run (){  } 

E. is correct. Since Thread implements Runnable, this is a valid assignment.

