Java OCA OCP Practice Question 523


Given the following class, which of the following is true? (Choose all that apply)

 1: public class Main { 
 2:   // www .  ja v a m
 3:  public void shed(boolean time) { 
 5:    if (time) { 
 7:    } 
 8:    System.out.println(result); 
10:  } 
11: } 
  • A. If String result = "Main"; is inserted on line 2, the code will compile.
  • B. If String result = "Main"; is inserted on line 4, the code will compile.
  • C. If String result = "Main"; is inserted on line 6, the code will compile.
  • D. If String result = "Main"; is inserted on line 9, the code will compile.
  • E. None of the above changes will make the code compile.

A, B.


Adding the variable at line 2 makes result an instance variable.

Since instance variables are in scope for the entire life of the object, option A is correct.

Option B is correct because adding the variable at line 4 makes result a local variable with a scope of the whole method.

Adding the variable at line 6 makes result a local variable with a scope of lines 6-7.

Since it is out of scope on line 8, the println does not compile and option C is incorrect.

Adding the variable at line 9 makes result a local variable with a scope of lines 9 and 10.

Since line 8 is before the declaration, it does not compile and option D is incorrect.

Option E is incorrect because the code can be made to compile.

