Java OCA OCP Practice Question 647


What is the output of the following application?

package mypkg; //ww w .j  a v  a 2s.  c om
public class Main { 
   public Long m() throws Exception { 
      try { 
         String v = (String)new Object(); 
      } catch (Exception e) { 
         throw RuntimeException("Broken!"); 
      return null; 
   public static void main(String... warmth) { 
      try { 
         new Main().m(); 
      } catch (Throwable t) {} 
  • A. Finished!
  • B. Finished!, followed by a stack trace
  • C. The application does not produce any output at runtime.
  • D. The code does not compile.



The throw RuntimeException(String) statement in the m() method does not include the new keyword.

The new keyword is required to create the object being thrown, since RuntimeException(String) is a constructor.

For this reason, the code does not compile, and Option D is correct.

If the keyword new was inserted properly, then the try block would throw a CastClassException, which would be replaced with a RuntimeException to the calling method by the catch block.

The catch block in the main() method would then be activated, and no output would be printed, making Option C correct.

