Java OCA OCP Practice Question 813


Which of the following can replace the comment so this code outputs 100? (Choose two.)

public class Main { 
   public static void main(String[] math) { 
     System.out.println(max - min); 
  • A. final int min, max = 100;
  • B. final int min = 0, max = 100;
  • C. int min, max = 100;
  • D. int min = 0, max = 100;
  • E. static int min, max = 100;
  • F. static int min = 0, max = 100;

E, F.


A static method is not allowed to access instance variables without an instance of the class, making Options E and F correct.

Only max is initialized to 100 in Option E.

Since min doesn't have a value specified, it gets the default value, which is 0.

