Java Reflection constructor instantiate objects


Through reflection, we can even create instances.

The simplest way to instantiate objects is to use newInstance() method of Class.

public T newInstance() 

This uses default constructor to instantiate objects.

The following creates an instance of String:

String s = String.class.newInstance(); 

If we call newInstance() on a class that has no default constructor, an InstantiationException will be thrown.

To call constructors with parameter:

  • first we find the required constructor from the class
  • then call it with the right arguments.

We use newInstance() method of Constructor that looks like:

public T newInstance(Object... initargs) 

The following program illustrates how to use newInstance() method.

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;

public class Main {
   public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
      String s1 = (String) String.class.newInstance();
      Class c = String.class;
      Constructor con = c.getDeclaredConstructor(char[].class);
      char[] chars = { 'J', 'a', 'v', 'a' };
      Object[] param = { chars };
      String s2 = (String) con.newInstance(param);
      System.out.println(s2);/*from  www  . jav a 2 s.  com*/

This creates two instances of String.

The first string s1 is constructed using newInstance() of Class.

The second string s2 is constructed with the help of the following constructor:

public String(char[] value) 

The newInstance() will throw exceptions if proper arguments are not supplied.

