Javascript Interview Question String Cipher String


Given inputs a string, and a number shift, return a new encrypted string by shifting each letter of the sting by shift number of places


caesarCipher('RETURN TO ROME', 3) should return 'UHWXUA WR URPH'

To reduce complexity of the problem, you may assume every character in the string will be uppercase.

function caesarCipher (string, shift) {
/*  Do not edit below this line */

var line = '****************************************************************';
var passed = 0;/* w ww.j a va 2  s. c  o  m*/
var failed = 0;

console.log('caesarCipher UNIT TESTS');

if (caesarCipher('RETURN TO ROME', 3) === 'UHWXUQ WR URPH') {
    console.log("Test 1 pass, caesarCipher('RETURN TO ROME', 3) returns 'UHWXUQ WR URPH'");
    passed += 1;
} else {
    console.log("Test 1 failed, caesarCipher('RETURN TO ROME', 3) should return 'UHWXUQ WR URPH'");
    failed += 1;

if (caesarCipher('XYZ', 3) === 'ABC') {
    console.log("Test 2 pass, caesarCipher('XYZ', 3) returns 'ABC'");
    passed += 1;
} else {
    console.log("Test 2 failed, caesarCipher('XYZ', 3) should return 'ABC'");
    failed += 1;

if (caesarCipher('ABC', -3) === 'XYZ') {
    console.log("Test 3 pass, caesarCipher('ABC', -3) returns 'XYZ'");
    passed += 1;
} else {
    console.log("Test 3 failed, caesarCipher('ABC', -3) should return 'XYZ'");
    failed += 1;

console.log('TOTAL TESTS PASSED: ' + passed );
console.log('TOTAL TESTS FAILED: ' + failed );

function caesarCipher (string, shift) {
    var encryptedString = '';
    var char = '';
    var charPosition;
    var encryptedPosition;

    for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i += 1) {
        // We first check if the charactre we are on is a letter
        char = string[i];
        charPosition = alphabet.indexOf(char);
        // If it is a letter, shift the character's position in the alphabet by shift number
        // We then mod it by 26 which is the number of letters in the alphabet to catch overflow situations
        if (charPosition > -1) {
            // 26 is added to allow shift in the opposit direction when shift is a negative number
            encryptedPosition = (charPosition + shift + 26) % 26;
            encryptedString = encryptedString + alphabet[encryptedPosition];
            encryptedString = encryptedString + char;

    return encryptedString;

/*  Do not edit below this line */

var line = '****************************************************************';
var passed = 0;
var failed = 0;

console.log('caesarCipher UNIT TESTS');

if (caesarCipher('RETURN TO ROME', 3) === 'UHWXUQ WR URPH') {
    console.log("Test 1 pass, caesarCipher('RETURN TO ROME', 3) returns 'UHWXUQ WR URPH'");
    passed += 1;
} else {
    console.log("Test 1 failed, caesarCipher('RETURN TO ROME', 3) should return 'UHWXUQ WR URPH'");
    failed += 1;

if (caesarCipher('XYZ', 3) === 'ABC') {
    console.log("Test 2 pass, caesarCipher('XYZ', 3) returns 'ABC'");
    passed += 1;
} else {
    console.log("Test 2 failed, caesarCipher('XYZ', 3) should return 'ABC'");
    failed += 1;

if (caesarCipher('ABC', -3) === 'XYZ') {
    console.log("Test 3 pass, caesarCipher('ABC', -3) returns 'XYZ'");
    passed += 1;
} else {
    console.log("Test 3 failed, caesarCipher('ABC', -3) should return 'XYZ'");
    failed += 1;

console.log('TOTAL TESTS PASSED: ' + passed );
console.log('TOTAL TESTS FAILED: ' + failed );

