Javascript String Escape Literals


The String data type includes several character literals to represent nonprintable characters:

\n New line
\t Tab
\b Backspace
\r Carriage return
\f Form feed
\\ Backslash (\)
\' Single quote ', used when the string is delineated by single quotes. Example: 'He said, \'hey.\''.
\" Double quote ", used when the string is delineated by double quotes. Example: "He said, \"hey.\"".
\` Backtick `, used when the string is delineated by backticks. Example: `He said, \`hey.\``.
\xnn A character represented by hexadecimal code nn (where n is a hexadecimal digit 0-F). Example: \x41 is equivalent to "A".
\unnnn A Unicode character represented by the hexadecimal code nnnn (where n is a hexadecimal digit 0-F).

These character literals can be included anywhere with a string and will be interpreted as if they were a single character:

let text = "This is the letter sigma: \u03a3."; 

