Javascript String Find bad word


Javascript String Find bad word

/*/*from   www.j a v  a2 s . co m*/
   Implement the `hasBadwords` function in the code below to return a boolean if the
   message contains a badword in it or not.  A badword is contained in the message
   if the word appears in the sentence, ignoring adjacent punctuation and case.
var sentences = [
   "this is a test. window this is a test.",
   "chair this is a test,",
   "test test.",
var badwords = ['window', 'chair', 'test'];
// Fill in function body here
var hasBadwords = function (message, index) {
  var splitMessage = message.split(/[\s+!?,.\;]/)
  for (var i = 0; i < splitMessage.length; i++) {
    if(badwords.indexOf(splitMessage[i].toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
      return true

  return false

// Tell us what the output is from running this code:
console.log( (sentence, index) {
   return hasBadwords(sentence) ? index : '';

