SWT Swing AWT « SWT JFace Eclipse « Java

1.Convert between SWT Image and AWT BufferedImageConvert between SWT Image and AWT BufferedImage
2.Draw an X using AWT GraphicsDraw an X using AWT Graphics
3.Embed a JTable in SWT (no flicker)Embed a JTable in SWT (no flicker)
4.Converts an AWT image to SWT.
5.Creates an AWT MouseEvent from a swt event.
6.Returns an SWT point with the same coordinates as the specified AWT point (rounded to integer values).
7.Returns an SWT point with the same coordinates as the specified AWT point.
8.Returns an AWT point with the same coordinates as the specified SWT point.
9.Transform a swt Rectangle instance into an AWT Rectangle.

10.Draw Graphics2D stuff on a swt composite
11.Converts a buffered image to SWT ImageData.
12.Transform an awt Rectangle2d instance into a swt Rectangle2d.
13.Creates a swt color instance to match the rgb values of the specified awt color. alpha channel is not supported.
14.Creates a swt color instance to match the rgb values of the specified awt paint.
15.Creates an awt color instance to match the rgb values of the specified swt color.
16.Create an awt font by converting as much information as possible from the provided swt Font.
17.Create an awt font by converting as much information as possible from the provided swt FontData.
18.Create a FontData object which encapsulate the essential data to create a swt font.
19.Embed Swing and AWT in SWTEmbed Swing and AWT in SWT