primitive « Map « JPA Q&A

1. What's difference between primitive and wrapper class in JPA (Hibernate) column mappings?

For instance, there’s an integer column in a database table. Then in java model, it can be mapped both as primitive int and Integer. My question is what's difference between the int and ...

2. Hibernate/JPA Map of Primitives causes strange left outer join

I am having difficulty achieving an appropriate mapping of an entity containing a Map of primitives (Map<String, String>). The resulting SQL is not what I expect (a left outer join) ...

3. Hibernate primitive type mapping

In Hibernate is it possible to join one of an entity column with another table using Java primitive type? For example

@JoinColumn(name = "ITEM_ID",  referencedColumnName = "LABEL", insertable=false, updatable=false, table="ITEM_DATA")
private String ...

4. Sorted map of Java primitives using JPA2 and Hibernate?

I'm using Hibernate 3.6 and JPA2 as part of the Play Framework 1.2. I have an entity class that needs a Double-to-Double map, sorted on the keys. Here's what ...

7. Mapping a primitive type on JoinTable ??

Hello, I looked after a solution for a simple problem since 2 days, but without success. My schema is the next : Code: CREATE TABLE `T_Application` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) TYPE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 ; CREATE TABLE `T_SMS` ( `id` int(10) ...

9. object has a primitive-type property mapped to a nullable A PropertyAccessException often occurs when the object being passed to the setter method is of the wrong type. Check your type mappings for the offending property. (To see exactly which property was the problem, you might need to disable the CGLIB reflection optimizer.) However, the most common cause of this problem is that Hibernate attempted to assign null to a ...

10. mapping of boolean (java primitive) and IBM DB2 database

Hi, Does anybody know if boolean (java primitive) mapping can be done for DB2 in Hibernate or not. Java Boolean Object is possible but where & what to change/add for boolean primitive mapping. The column is of type SMALLINT & java object has boolean variable. ie In DB2 value is 0/1 but in object it is true/false I'm getting the foll. ...

11. Trying to use Annotations to define a Map of primitive types

This code doesn't work: Code: @Entity public class TestEntity implements Serializable { private Integer id; @Id(generate = GeneratorType.NONE) public Integer getId() { return id; } // ... ...

12. Hibernate mapping to primitives

using hibernate 3.0. Is it possible to map a bean with primitives directly to a table instead of using wrapper classes in the bean? Problem comes when using hibernate to fetch data from a table. If this table happens to have null values in number columns then it is unable to set the null or blank value in the bean's primitive ...

13. How to handle DB null value mapping to Java primitive?

Hi, I map most values to hibernate types that end up being java primitives (int, long). However, in the event that the value is null in the DB, this throws an exception. Is there a recommended way to deal with this that doesn't involve mapping to autoboxed java objects? Thx in advance, davis

14. How to map primitive type property to allow to take NULL

Hi, I have a field in SQL DB as integer type; so i have kept int type property in my model to hold the values. But the field in the DB can have value "NULL" since it is optional field. When i run select query and try to save in the MODEL, i am getting following error. "PropertyAccessException: Null value was ...

15. How to map primitive type property to allow to take NULL

Hi, I have a field in SQL DB as integer type; so i have kept int type property in my model to hold the values. But the field in the DB can have value "NULL" since it is optional field. When i run select query and try to save in the MODEL, i am getting following error. "PropertyAccessException: Null value was ...