client « POJO « JPA Q&A

1. Problem accessing entity bean (JPA POJO) from application client

Hi all, i've got problem ruuning application client from within NetBeans IDE. Customer is the entity bean (JPA POJO), instances of which i get through CustomerFacadeRemote session bean. It works well when i launch it from external browser through web start, but throws exception if i do "run enterprise project" from within IDE. Stacktrace says that it couldn't find class (i ...

2. Using POJOs as DTO in Client/Server Applications

Hello, I have a server (Session EJB deployed under JBoss) with Hibernate based persistence of my POJOs and the need to use the same POJOs to communicate with the remote clients (swing and web apps). The problem is in collections, Hibernate use (for well documented reasons) his implementations but I can't use Hibernate libraries in my clients, I can include only ...

3. dealing with detached POJO's over RMI-client

Hi We have a JBoss running Hibernate3 thru JBossHibernate-JMX-MBean. We have a Swing-client connected over RMI and POJO's generated by HibernateTools3. Now we are facing the lazy-loading issue. When lazy is enabled, currently we get a LazyInitializationException on person.getContacts() since our POJO has been serialized and the hibernate-session-reference is gone. The strategy we figured out is to a) overwrite the persistent ...

4. POJO in client-server environment with RMI.

Hi, I have question about Hibernate object id policy. I have client-sevrer architecture with RMI as a communication layer. I have persistent object A that has a List of persistent objects B. List has cascade option set to all-delete-orphan. I create A on the client side (the ArrayList List implementation is used) and fill it with instances of objects B. I ...

5. POJO created in the client and passed as parameter to bean

I have a Hibernate POJO which is instantiated and has its properties set in the client application. Then this POJO is passed to a stateless EJB that is creating the EM and then persisting the POJO. e.g. App Client: myPOJO mp = new myPOJO(); mp.setProp("abc");; Stateless BeanL: save(myPOJO p) { -- All properties of p here are NULL !!! em.persist(p); ...