database « Search « JPA Q&A

1. hibernate search without database

Is it possible to use hibernate-search only for it's annotations (bean => document/document => bean mapping), without using a database at all? If so, are there any online samples that show ...

2. Database search using hibernate

Hi all I am using hibernate and i want to execute a query which would search the database and return all the entries which match to the 'where' clause in the query. I have tried the follwing query and it gives an exception, i think the query is not proper. The query which i have used is "select UserDataBO.Login from UserDataBO ...

3. How to rebuild Hibernate Search index to sync with database

Hi guys, I accidentally deleted my Hibernate Search index file on my local server. So, I'm wondering how I can rebuild index to sync with the data in the database? Here's a sample of my entity annotation: @Entity @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) @Table(name = "Busines") @Indexed(index="indexes/businesses") public abstract class AbstractBusinessCbo implements { // Fields @Id @DocumentId @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) @Column(name = "BUSINESS_ID", nullable ...

4. Search from database?

Hi, I was doing some testing on Hibernate Search. I created some records through the system and they are successfully indexed. I expect to do a manual re-indexing after I ve modified the database manually that the change are not captured through the system.. However, after I ve made changes directly to the database, my search results reflects the newly updated ...

5. How to store Index in database? Hibernate Search

Hi, Im new at Hibernate and Hibernate Search. I need to store the search index (files such as .html .jsp and database content) in a database table, not storing the results in a file. By doing a quick search I found the Lucene JDBCDirectoryProvider, is that the best tool to do that? What are the other options. Im using Spring and ...

6. Using HQL to search in a database.

Hello, I am trying to make a search inside the database either by using HQL or else Criteria. I already used Criteria, however I do not know how to use it for this kind of search. What I am trying to do is search some text inside all the fields of all the tables inside my database! Is this even possible? ...

7. Hibernate for database search intensive application?

I have a simple application that does like searches and read only operations on a Sql view of 100,000 rows. The application runs on a j2ee cluster with 2 nodes and I have 200 concurrent users during peak time .The performance considerably degrades at load. I was wondering if Hibernate + OS Cache/EHCache is a good candidate for solving this as ...

9. Hibernate Search: one database multiple languages

Hi, I'm developing an app that will be storing information in several languages: Spanish, English, etc. I'm wondering how to deal with: * having all data in a single index. Is it possible to set up a seperate index per language. If so, how to handle that, also when you use annotations * how do you handle word stemming, which is ...

10. Hibernate search and how to store its index in a db....

Hi, im new to Hibernate Search and are wondering if it is possible to make it store its index / tables in a database instead of on the filesystem... Right now i have the property : This makes it store the data in the filesystem, I have searched for directory provider to make it store its index in the db ...