hsqldb « JPA « Spring Q&A

1. Using @Table with schema name in Hibernate 3.3.1ga and HSQLDB    stackoverflow.com

How can I make this work in unit tests using Hibernate 3.3.1ga and HSQLDB:

@Table(name="CATEGORY", schema="TEST")
public static class Category { ... }
The problem is that Hibernate expects the schema to exist. The ...

2. Spring/Hibernate/Junit example of testing DAO against HSQLDB    stackoverflow.com

I'm working on trying to implement a JUnit test to check the functionality of a DAO. (The DAO will create/read a basic object/table relationship). The trouble I'm having is the persistence ...

3. What is the best way to launch HSQLDB for unit testing, when working with spring, maven and hibernate?    stackoverflow.com

In my project I can successfully test database code. I'm using Spring, Hibernate, HSQLDB, JUnit and Maven. The catch is that currently I have to launch HSQLDB manually prior ...

4. Hibernate hangs at schema export    stackoverflow.com

My unit test uses in-memory HSQLDB with on-the-fly generated schema by Hibernate. Now at a particular case (not detailed for now, related to a @ManyToMany relation), the schema export hangs. When ...

5. Cannot persist in HsqlDb using JPA 2.0, Spring 2.5.6, Hibernate 3.6.1 and Maven    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to setup Spring using Hibernate and JPA, but when trying to persist an object, nothing seems to be added to the database. Am using the following:

<bean class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close" id="dataSource">

6. jdbc:embedded-database throwing HsqlException    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to create a test database in my spring application using the tag to create it. However, when I try to access the database I get the ...

7. HSQLDB not throwing correct type of ConstraintViolationException with Spring JPA/Hibernate    stackoverflow.com

I have a Spring based JPA2 app with the Hibernate provider on HSQLDB. I'm trying to elegantly handle exceptions but am finding I am getting hibernate exceptions not JPA ones. For ...

8. DataIntegrityViolationException w/ hsqldb+hibernate    forum.springsource.org

DataIntegrityViolationException w/ hsqldb+hibernate I am using spring with hibernate and hsqldb. I have code which creates a new user in the DB. There is a unique constraint on the username property, ...

9. Hibernate and HSQLDB cannot locate the table    forum.springsource.org

Hibernate and HSQLDB cannot locate the table The error message is Code: Hibernate: insert into TEAM (ID, CITY, TEAMNAME) values (default, ?, ?) WARN : org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - SQL Error: -5501, SQLState: ...

10. JPA support works with HSQLDB, but not yet with Oracle & PostgreSQL?    forum.springsource.org

JPA support works with HSQLDB, but not yet with Oracle & PostgreSQL? I have a general question about the development status regarding support for various db platforms. Some background... I am ...

11. Spring 2 RC1 + Glassfish JPA + HSQLDB    forum.springsource.org

Strange, I have exactly the same setup (Spring 2.0 RC3, Sun App Server 9, HSQLDB 1.8.0_05) and when I run my Spring integration tests, I'm getting a: Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Table ...

12. Spring-Hibernate-HSQLDB: data modify problem    forum.springsource.org

Spring-Hibernate-HSQLDB: data modify problem Hi to all, I have to develop a java application, not a web-application, i use Spring, hibernate and HSQLDB 1.8.0. The beans definitions are: ...