Convert double value to a phone number like format : double format « Data Types « C# / C Sharp

Convert double value to a phone number like format


using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class MainClass
   public static void Main()

        double number1 = 1234567890;
        string value1 = number1.ToString("(###) ###-####");
//(123) 456-7890


Related examples in the same category

1.double format: padding zeros
2.double format: padding zeros and Culture sensitive
3.double format: decimal points padding
4.format double by specified culture
5.Custom double value format
6.format double value with decimal
7.double value to string with #
8.double value to string with #,##0,,
9.double value to percentage
10.Adding unicode format string to the result
11.double value to exponential formal
12.Escape the format specifiers
13.Condition based format
14.Adding custom string to the format
15.Exponential double value literal
16.Parse string to double value
17.Standard format: C
18.Standard format: E04
19.Standard format: F
20.Standard format: N
21.Standard format: P
22.Converts double to string with ToString method
23.Parse console input value to double
24.Format integer: X
25.DateTime format: D
26.DateTime format: %M
27.decimal format: C3
28.Format a double value to currency and control the width
29.Format integer with D
30.Format double with E: exponential
31.Format integer with float points
32.Format double with decimal points: F
33.Format double with generla form and culture specific: G
34.Format double value with N and specific culture
35.Format double value to its percentage form
36.Format double value: r
37.Format integer: X, X8, X2
38.Convert double to string using the culture-specific format information.
39.Convert double type value in exponential form to string using the culture-specific format information.
40.Converts double to string using the specified format.
41.Converts double to string using the specified format and culture-specific format information.
42.Custom number format: 0000
43.Custom number format: 0.00, 00.00
44.Custome number format: #,#
45.Custom number format: #.## (1)
46.Custom format: #####
47.Custom number format: [##-##-##] (2)
48.Custom number format: (###) ###-#### (3)
49.Custom number format: #0.##%, 0.###E+0
50.Custom number format: #,##0
51.Custom number format: #,,, (4)
52.Custom number format: #0.##% (5)
53.Custom number format: dollar notation
54.Custom number format:0.###E-000
55.Custom number format: escape # (6)
56.Custom number format: escape \
57.Custom number format:My Number = #
58.Custom number format: ##;(##);**AAA**
59.Use standard numeric format specifiers to format double value