Converts double to string using the specified format. : double format « Data Types « C# / C Sharp

Converts double to string using the specified format.


using System;
using System.Globalization;
public class Example
   public static void Main()

        double[] numbers= {1234.123456789, -987654321.1234, 1.0123E21, -1.123456e-05};
        string[] specifiers = { "C", "E", "e", "F", "G", "N", "P", "R", "#,000.000", "0.###E-000", "000,000,000,000.00###" };
        foreach (double number in numbers)
           Console.WriteLine("Formatting of {0}:", number);
           foreach (string specifier in specifiers)
              Console.WriteLine("   {0,5}: {1}", 
                                specifier, number.ToString(specifier));

Formatting of 1234.123456789:
       C: $1,234.12
       E: 1.234123E+003
       e: 1.234123e+003
       F: 1234.12
       G: 1234.123456789
       N: 1,234.12
       P: 123,412.35 %
       R: 1234.123456789
   #,000.000: 1,234.123
   0.###E-000: 1.234E003
   000,000,000,000.00###: 000,000,001,234.12346

Formatting of -987654321.1234:
       C: ($987,654,321.12)
       E: -9.876543E+008
       e: -9.876543e+008
       F: -987654321.12
       G: -987654321.1234
       N: -987,654,321.12
       P: -98,765,432,112.34 %
       R: -987654321.1234
   #,000.000: -987,654,321.123
   0.###E-000: -9.877E008
   000,000,000,000.00###: -000,987,654,321.1234

Formatting of 1.0123E+21:
       C: $1,012,300,000,000,000,000,000.00
       E: 1.012300E+021
       e: 1.012300e+021
       F: 1012300000000000000000.00
       G: 1.0123E+21
       N: 1,012,300,000,000,000,000,000.00
       P: 101,230,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 %
       R: 1.0123E+21
   #,000.000: 1,012,300,000,000,000,000,000.000
   0.###E-000: 1.012E021
   000,000,000,000.00###: 1,012,300,000,000,000,000,000.00

Formatting of -1.123456E-05:
       C: $0.00
       E: -1.123456E-005
       e: -1.123456e-005
       F: 0.00
       G: -1.123456E-05
       N: 0.00
       P: 0.00 %
       R: -1.123456E-05
   #,000.000: 000.000
   0.###E-000: -1.123E-005
   000,000,000,000.00###: -000,000,000,000.00001



Related examples in the same category

1.double format: padding zeros
2.double format: padding zeros and Culture sensitive
3.double format: decimal points padding
4.format double by specified culture
5.Custom double value format
6.format double value with decimal
7.double value to string with #
8.double value to string with #,##0,,
9.double value to percentage
10.Adding unicode format string to the result
11.double value to exponential formal
12.Escape the format specifiers
13.Condition based format
14.Convert double value to a phone number like format
15.Adding custom string to the format
16.Exponential double value literal
17.Parse string to double value
18.Standard format: C
19.Standard format: E04
20.Standard format: F
21.Standard format: N
22.Standard format: P
23.Converts double to string with ToString method
24.Parse console input value to double
25.Format integer: X
26.DateTime format: D
27.DateTime format: %M
28.decimal format: C3
29.Format a double value to currency and control the width
30.Format integer with D
31.Format double with E: exponential
32.Format integer with float points
33.Format double with decimal points: F
34.Format double with generla form and culture specific: G
35.Format double value with N and specific culture
36.Format double value to its percentage form
37.Format double value: r
38.Format integer: X, X8, X2
39.Convert double to string using the culture-specific format information.
40.Convert double type value in exponential form to string using the culture-specific format information.
41.Converts double to string using the specified format and culture-specific format information.
42.Custom number format: 0000
43.Custom number format: 0.00, 00.00
44.Custome number format: #,#
45.Custom number format: #.## (1)
46.Custom format: #####
47.Custom number format: [##-##-##] (2)
48.Custom number format: (###) ###-#### (3)
49.Custom number format: #0.##%, 0.###E+0
50.Custom number format: #,##0
51.Custom number format: #,,, (4)
52.Custom number format: #0.##% (5)
53.Custom number format: dollar notation
54.Custom number format:0.###E-000
55.Custom number format: escape # (6)
56.Custom number format: escape \
57.Custom number format:My Number = #
58.Custom number format: ##;(##);**AAA**
59.Use standard numeric format specifiers to format double value