Using memchr : Char Array Function « Data Type « C++

Using memchr

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
   char *s = "This is a string";

   cout << "The remainder of s after character 'r' "
        << "is found is \"" << (char *) memchr( s, 'r', 16 ) 
        << '\"' << endl;
   return 0;

Related examples in the same category

1.memchr( ) function: Finding a character in a buffer.
2.memicmp( ) function: compare two string buffers.
3.memset( ) function: set the contents of a string buffer.
4.strcmp( ) function: compare two strings.
5.uses strncmp to compare two strings with the aid of the strlen function
6.strcspn( ) function: find the occurrence of one of a group of characters.
7.Using strpbrk
8.Using strspn:
9.Using memcpy
10.Using memmove
11.Using memcmp
12.Using memset
13.Using strerror
14.strchr( ) function: locate the first occurrence of a character in a string.
15.strlen( ) function: determine the length of a string.
16.strstr( ) function: locate a string within a string.
17.strupr( ) function: convert lowercase letters to uppercase. to use the strcat function
19.using the strcpy function