Converting to a Number with Precision: parseInt() and parseFloat(). : Number parse « Data Type « Flash / Flex / ActionScript

Converting to a Number with Precision: parseInt() and parseFloat().


  import flash.display.Sprite;
  public class Main extends Sprite{
    public function Main(){

        var nOne:Number = parseInt("13.3");  // 13
        var nTwo:Number = parseFloat("13.3");  // 13.3
        var nThree:Number = parseInt("54");  // 54
        var nFour:Number = parseFloat("54");  // 54



Related examples in the same category

1.Parse number values from strings with bases other than 10 using the parseInt() function.
2.If you omit the second parameter, ActionScript attempts to parse the number value using the most appropriate base.
3.Converting a string containing only numerical data
4.Trying to cast any other value will result in a nasty NaN (Not a Number) value being assigned instead:
5.Adding strings and numbers: the compiler will convert the numbers to strings rather than the other way around.