Load an XML file : URLLoader « Network « Flash / Flex / ActionScript

Load an XML file

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.events.*;
    import flash.net.*;
    public class NetworkProject extends Sprite
        private var loader:URLLoader= new URLLoader(new URLRequest("http://example.com/test.xml"));
        public function NetworkProject()
            loader.addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, activatedListener);
            loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeListener);
            loader.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressListener);
        private function activatedListener(event:Event):void
            trace(" activated " + loader.bytesLoaded + 
                  " but nothing loaded yet ");
        private function completeListener(event:Event):void
            trace(" all done loading " + loader.data + 
                  " and here's the xml file we loaded ");
        private function progressListener(event:Event):void
            trace(" we're in progress, we've loaded " + loader.bytesLoaded + 
                  " out of " + loader.bytesTotal + " bytes ");


Related examples in the same category

1.Loading XML
2.Loading Images
3.Add IOErrorEvent, HTTPStatusEvent, SecurityErrorEvent and Event.COMPLETE to URLLoader
4.Trace loader data
5.Listen to the URLLoader complete event
6.Loading a Block of Text (Including HTML and XML)
7.Checking Load Progress
8.Understanding Flash Player Security
9.Load a picture
10.Display LoadBar
11.Events and Event Handling for URLLoader
12.Event Listener Registration Examples
13.Accessing the Target Object
14.URLLoader Complete event
15.Accessing the Object That Registered the Listener