lastIndex property is set to a different value : lastIndex « Regular Expressions « Flash / Flex / ActionScript

lastIndex property is set to a different value


  import flash.display.Sprite;
  public class Main extends Sprite{
    public function Main(){
        var reCase:RegExp = new RegExp("abc", "ig");
        var sVal:String = "aBcdefabCdefABC";
        var aMatch:Array = reCase.exec(sVal);
        trace(aMatch + " - " + reCase.lastIndex); 
        reCase.lastIndex = 0;
        aMatch = reCase.exec(sVal);
        trace(aMatch + " - " + reCase.lastIndex);
        reCase.lastIndex = 0;
        aMatch = reCase.exec(sVal);
        trace(aMatch + " - " + reCase.lastIndex);
        reCase.lastIndex = 0;
        aMatch = reCase.exec(sVal);
        trace(aMatch + " - " + reCase.lastIndex);
        reCase.lastIndex = 0;
        aMatch = reCase.exec(sVal);
        trace(aMatch + " - " + reCase.lastIndex);



Related examples in the same category and write to this property to move the starting point of the next match
2.The lastMatch property is the string containing the last match made by the regular expression