Adding a new child after all existing children : insert « XML « Flash / Flex / ActionScript

Adding a new child after all existing children


  import flash.display.Sprite;
  public class Main extends Sprite{
    public function Main(){
        var novel:XML = <BOOK ISBN="0000000000">
          <AUTHOR>J, J</AUTHOR>
          <PUBLISHER>Books Ltd</PUBLISHER>
        novel.insertChildAfter(novel.*[novel.*.length(  )-1],
                               <DESCRIPTION>A modern classic</DESCRIPTION>);



Related examples in the same category

1.Add a new child to the end of the existing xml data
2.Use appendChild method to add new child to the end of existing xml data
3.Adding a new child after a specific existing child
4.As an alternative to the insertChildAfter( ) approach (1)
5.As an alternative to the insertChildAfter( ) approach (2)
6.Adding a new child before a specific existing child