Set CategoryAxis for AreaChart : Area Chart « Chart « Flex

Set CategoryAxis for AreaChart

Set CategoryAxis for AreaChart

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF">

    import  mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

    private  var  productSales:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
            { Quarter: "1", PC: 10, Mac: 3, Software: 1, Total: 14 },
            { Quarter: "2", PC: 12, Mac: 4, Software: 2, Total: 18 },
            { Quarter: "3", PC: 15, Mac: 8, Software: 5, Total: 28 },
            { Quarter: "4", PC: 20, Mac: 10, Software: 9, Total: 39 }

  <mx:Panel  title="AreaChart  Example"  width="100%"  height="100%">
    <mx:AreaChart  id="areaChart"  height="100%"  width="100%"
        paddingLeft="5"  paddingRight="5"  
        showDataTips="true" dataProvider="{productSales}">                            
        <mx:CategoryAxis  categoryField="Quarter"/>
        <mx:AreaSeries  yField="PC"  form="curve"  displayName="PC"/>
        <mx:AreaSeries  yField="Mac"  form="curve"  displayName="Mac"/>
        <mx:AreaSeries  yField="Software"  form="curve"  displayName="Software"/>
    <mx:Legend  dataProvider="{areaChart}" direction="horizontal"/>


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11.Setting a value for the minField property creates two values on the axis for each data point in an areaSetting a value for the minField property creates two values on the axis for each data point in an area