Stacked Area Chart : Area Chart « Chart « Flex

Stacked Area Chart

Stacked Area Chart

Code from Flex 4 Documentation "Using Adobe Flex 4".

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<!-- charts/AreaStacked.mxml -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    public var expenses:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
      {month:"Jan", profit:20, expenses:15, amount:145},
      {month:"Feb", profit:1, expenses:2, amount:60},
      {month:"Mar", profit:15, expenses:5, amount:3}
        <s:VerticalLayout />
    <s:Panel title="Stacked AreaChart">
            <s:VerticalLayout />
        <mx:AreaChart id="myChart"
            dataProvider="{expenses}" showDataTips="true"
                <mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="Month" />
                <mx:AreaSeries yField="profit" displayName="Profit" />
                <mx:AreaSeries yField="expenses" displayName="Expenses" />
                <mx:AreaSeries yField="amount" displayName="Amount" />
        <mx:Legend dataProvider="{myChart}" />


Related examples in the same category

1.Area chart with AreaSeries and CategoryAxisArea chart with AreaSeries and CategoryAxis
2.Legend for AreaChartLegend for AreaChart
3.Set CategoryAxis for AreaChartSet CategoryAxis for AreaChart
5.Basic Area One Series for AreaChartBasic Area One Series for AreaChart
6.Basic AreaChartBasic AreaChart
7.Create an AreaChart controlCreate an AreaChart control
8.Define three custom SolidColor objects and three custom SolidColorStroke objects, and applies them to the three AreaSeries objects in the AreaChart controlDefine three custom SolidColor objects and three custom SolidColorStroke objects, and applies them to the three AreaSeries objects in the AreaChart control
9.Area Chart with Area seriesArea Chart with Area series
10.Define an area chart in which each series in the chart uses a solid fill with the same level of transparency:Define an area chart in which each series in the chart uses a solid fill with the same level of transparency:
11.Setting a value for the minField property creates two values on the axis for each data point in an areaSetting a value for the minField property creates two values on the axis for each data point in an area