CSS2.1 colors and their corresponding decimal, percentage, and hexadecimal values. : Color « Reference « HTML / CSS

CSS2.1 colors and their corresponding decimal, percentage, and hexadecimal values.


Color Name       RGB Decimal      RGB Percentage                Hexadecimal 
black            rgb(0,0,0)       rgb(0%,0%,0%)                 #000000 
white            rgb(255,255,255) rgb(100%,100%,100%)           #ffffff 
red              rgb(255,0,0)     rgb(100%,0%,0%)               #ff0000 
yellow           rgb(255,255,0)   rgb(100%,100%,0%)             #ffff00 
green            rgb(0,128,0)     rgb(0%,50%,0%)                #008000 
aqua             rgb(0,255,255)   rgb(0%,100%,100%)             #00ffff 
blue             rgb(0,0,255)     rgb(0%,0%,100%)               #0000ff 
fuchsia          rgb(255,0,255)   rgb(100%,0%,100%)             #ff00ff 
gray             rgb(128,128,128) rgb(50%,50%,50%)              #808080 
silver           rgb(192,192,192) rgb(75%,75%,75%)              #c0c0c0 
orange           rgb(255,170,0)   rgb(100%,67%,0%)              #ffaa00 
olive            rgb(128,128,0)   rgb(50%,50%,0%)               #808000 
lime             rgb(0,255,0)     rgb(0%,100%,0%)               #00ff00 
teal             rgb(0,128,128)   rgb(0%,50%,50%)               #008080 
purple           rgb(128,0,128)   rgb(50%,0%,50%)               #800080 
navy             rgb(0,0,128)     rgb(0%,0%,50%)                #000080 
maroon           rgb(128,0,0)     rgb(50%,0%,0%)                #800000 


Related examples in the same category

1.Color Names: 140 color names are listed alphabetically.
2.The Web Palette
3.HTML Color Names
4.CSS Color Chart: Gray Scale
5.Shades of Gray
6.Colors Sorted Alphabetically
7.Fixed Red value: #FF
8.Fixed Red value: #00
9.Colors are displayed combining: RED, GREEN, and BLUE light sources
10.CSS Color Chart: Pure Colors
11.CSS Color Chart: Mixture of Red and Green
12.CSS Color Chart: Mixtures of Blue and Red
13.CSS Color Chart: Mixtures of Blue and Green
14.CSS Color Chart:Mixtures of Red, Blue, and Green
15.A table of color names that are supported by most browsers
16.Cross Platform Colors
17.Color Names List
18.color constant name