uPortal ant script : Big Project Ant Script « Ant « Java

uPortal ant script


    Copyright (c) 2000-2009, Jasig, Inc.
    See license distributed with this file and available online at

 | Detailed help documenation lives in docs/antHelp.txt, please refer to this file or
 | run 'ant help' for usage of this file.
 | Comments in this file should be targeted to the maintenance of the build script.
<project name="uPortal" default="help" basedir="." xmlns:up="urn:up-util-ant" xmlns:artifact="urn:maven-artifact-ant">
    <fail message="build.properties does not exist, please copy build.properties.sample and fill in your settings.">
                <available file="${basedir}/build.properties" />
     | Load the build properties before the next fail tests since they check properties provided
     | by the file.
    <property environment="env" />
    <property file="${basedir}/build.properties" />
    <property name="jasig.tmpdir" value="${java.io.tmpdir}/jasig" />
    <mkdir dir="${jasig.tmpdir}" />
    <tempfile property="parentPomInstallMarker.file" destdir="${jasig.tmpdir}" prefix="uportal-parent.pom-" suffix="-marker" />
     | Properties that describe the maven project
    <property name="bootstrap.dir" value="${basedir}/bootstrap" />
    <property name="bootstrap-pom.dir" value="${bootstrap.dir}/pom" />
    <property name="uportal-impl.dir" value="${basedir}/uportal-impl" />
    <property name="uportal-war.dir" value="${basedir}/uportal-war" />
    <property name="uportal-portlets-overlay.dir" value="${basedir}/uportal-portlets-overlay" />
    <property name="uportal-ear.dir" value="${basedir}/uportal-ear" />
    <property name="uportal-ear-deployer.dir" value="${basedir}/uportal-ear-deployer" />
    <property name="uportal-ant-tasks.dir" value="${basedir}/uportal-ant-tasks" />
    <import file="${bootstrap.dir}/build_includes.xml" />

    <!-- ----------------------------== Public Targets ----------------------------== -->

    <target name="help" description="Prints information about using this ant build file.">
        <loadfile property="helpMessage" srcFile="docs/antHelp.txt" />
        <echo message="${helpMessage}" />

    <target name="initportal" depends="prodPrompt" description="Runs all the targets necessary to deploy the portal and prepare the portal database">
        <echo message="Initializing uPortal" />
        <antcall target="deploy-ear">
            <param name="removeExisting" value="true" />
        <antcall target="initdb" />
        <echo message="Finished initializing uPortal" />
    <target name="initdb" depends="prodPrompt" description="Drops all tables, then runs all the targets necessary prepare the portal database">
        <echo message="Initializing database" />
        <antcall target="db" />
        <antcall target="db-hibernate" />
        <antcall target="i18n-db" />
        <antcall target="db-import" />
        <echo message="Finished initializing database" />
    <target name="db-hibernate" depends="prodPrompt" description="Drops then creates Hibernate managed tables">
        <antcall target="db-hibernate-portal" />
        <antcall target="db-hibernate-stats" />
    <target name="db-hibernate-portal" depends="prodPrompt" description="Drops then creates Hibernate managed tables for the portal">
            <java fork="true" failonerror="true" dir="${uportal-impl.dir}" classname="org.jasig.portal.tools.dbloader.DataSourceSchemaExportRunner">
                <sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="command-line.log4j.properties" />
                <classpath refid="uportal-impl-full.classpath" />

                <arg value="-b" />
                <arg value="portalDbHibernateExport" />
                <arg value="-e" />
                <arg value="-d" />
                <arg value="-c" />
    <target name="db-hibernate-stats" depends="prodPrompt" description="Drops then creates Hibernate managed tables used for the database backed portal statistics">
            <java fork="true" failonerror="true" dir="${uportal-impl.dir}" classname="org.jasig.portal.tools.dbloader.DataSourceSchemaExportRunner">
                <sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="command-line.log4j.properties" />
                <classpath refid="uportal-impl-full.classpath" />

                <arg value="-b" />
                <arg value="statsDbHibernateExport" />
                <arg value="-e" />
                <arg value="-d" />
                <arg value="-c" />
                <arg value="-i" />

    <target name="db" depends="prodPrompt" description="Loads database tables and data">
            <property name="usetable" value="-t" />
            <property name="tablefile" value="/properties/db/tables.xml" />
            <property name="usedata" value="-d" />
            <property name="datafile" value="/properties/db/data.xml" />
            <property name="createscript" value=" " />
            <property name="droptables" value="-D" />
            <property name="createtables" value="-C" />
            <property name="populatetables" value="-P" />

            <echo message="Invoking DbLoader" />
            <java fork="true" failonerror="true" dir="${uportal-impl.dir}" classname="org.jasig.portal.tools.dbloader.DbLoaderRunner">
                <sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="command-line.log4j.properties" />
                <classpath refid="uportal-impl-full.classpath" />

                <arg value="${usetable}" />
                <arg value="${tablefile}" />
                <arg value="${usedata}" />
                <arg value="${datafile}" />
                <arg value="${createscript}" />
                <arg value="${droptables}" />
                <arg value="${createtables}" />
                <arg value="${populatetables}" />

    <target name="i18n-db" depends="prodPrompt" description="Loads internationalization tables and data">
        <echo message="Invoking DbLoader for localizationed database setting" />
        <antcall target="db">
            <param name="usetable" value="-t" />
            <param name="tablefile" value="/properties/db/tables-i18n.xml" />
            <param name="usedata" value="-d" />
            <param name="datafile" value="/properties/db/data-i18n.xml" />
            <param name="droptables" value="-D" />
            <param name="createtables" value="-C" />
            <param name="populatetables" value="-P" />

    <target name="db-import" depends="prodPrompt" description="Imports the default XML files to the database">
        <echo message="Importing data" />
        <antcall target="crn-import">
            <param name="dir" value="${basedir}/uportal-impl/src/main/resources/properties/db/entities" />

    <target name="dbtest" description="Displays information about the database defined in rdbm.properties">
            <echo message="Invoking DbTest" />
            <java fork="true" failonerror="true" dir="${basedir}" classname="org.jasig.portal.tools.DbTest">
                <sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="command-line.log4j.properties" />
                <classpath refid="uportal-impl-full.classpath" />

    <target name="regchantype" depends="prodPrompt" description="Registers a new channel type">
            <property name="class" value=" " />
            <property name="name" value=" " />
            <property name="description" value=" " />
            <property name="uri" value=" " />

            <echo message="Invoking RegisterChannelType" />
            <java dir="${basedir}" classname="org.jasig.portal.tools.RegisterChannelType">
                <classpath refid="uportal-impl-full.classpath" />

                <arg value="${class}" />
                <arg value="${name}" />
                <arg value="${description}" />
                <arg value="${uri}" />
    <target name="crn-export" description="Exports the specified entity or entities to XML on the file system">
            <!-- Three properties control the export:  dir, type, and sysid -->
            <fail unless="type">
                You must specify a &quot;type&quot; parameter (-Dtype={something}) from the following:  all, layout,
                all-layouts, channel, all-channels, all-permissions,  all-memberships, group, all-groups, user, 
            <property name="dir" value="." />
            <property name="sysid" value="" />

            <!-- Invoke Cernunnos specifying script and parameters -->
            <java fork="true" failonerror="true" dir="${basedir}" classname="org.danann.cernunnos.runtime.Main">
                <sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="command-line.log4j.properties" />
                <classpath refid="uportal-impl-full.classpath" />
                <arg value="classpath://org/jasig/portal/io/export.crn" />
                <arg value="${dir}" />
                <arg value="${type}" />
                <arg value="${sysid}" />

    <target name="crn-import" depends="prodPrompt" description="Imports the specified XML file or files">
            <!-- Two properties control the import:  dir and pattern -->
            <property name="dir" value="." />
            <property name="pattern" value="org.jasig.portal.FilePatternPhrase.USE_DEFAULT_VALUE "/>

            <!-- Invoke Cernunnos specifying script and parameters -->
            <java fork="true" failonerror="true" dir="${basedir}" classname="org.danann.cernunnos.runtime.Main">
                <sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="command-line.log4j.properties" />
                <classpath refid="uportal-impl-full.classpath" />
                <arg value="classpath://org/jasig/portal/io/import.crn" />
                <arg value="${dir}" />
                <arg value="${pattern}" />

    <target name="crn-delete" depends="prodPrompt" description="Deletes the specified entity">
            <fail unless="type">
                You must specify a &quot;type&quot; parameter (-Dtype={something}) from the following:  layout, channel,
                group, user.
            <fail unless="sysid">
                You must specify a &quot;sysid&quot; parameter (-Dsysid={something}).  The value will be a valid username
                (user or layout), fname (channel), or name (group).

            <!-- Invoke Cernunnos specifying script and parameters -->
            <java fork="true" failonerror="true" dir="${basedir}" classname="org.danann.cernunnos.runtime.Main">
                <classpath refid="uportal-impl-full.classpath" />
                <arg value="classpath://org/jasig/portal/io/delete.crn" />
                <arg value="${type}" />
                <arg value="${sysid}" />
    <target name="clean-shared" depends="checkForTomcat" description="Removes the ALL shared libraries from the container.">
            <fileset dir="${server.base}/shared/lib">
                <include name="*"/>
    <target name="clean-tomcat" depends="checkForTomcat" description="Removes the deployed uPortal from the container">
            <!-- Clean out uPortal from Tomcat -->
            <artifact:pom file="${uportal-war.dir}/pom.xml" id="uportal-war.pom" />
            <property name="destDir" value="${server.base}/webapps/${uportal-war.pom.build.finalName}" />
            <echo>Deleting '${destDir}'</echo>
            <delete dir="${destDir}" />
    <target name="clean" description="Runs 'mvn clean'">
        <!-- Execute the mvn clean lifecycle -->
        <antcall target="mvn">
            <param name="pomDir" value="${basedir}" />
            <param name="goal" value="clean" />

    <target name="deploy-ear" depends="checkForTomcat" description="Deploy uPortal and dependent libraries and portlets to the servlet container">
            <typedef resource="org/jasig/portal/ant/antlib.xml" uri="urn:up-util-ant">
                <classpath refid="uportal-ant-tasks-full.classpath" />

                <echo message="   extractWars=${extractWars}" />
                <echo message="removeExisting=${removeExisting}" />
                <echo message="   cleanShared=${cleanShared}" />
                    <equals arg1="${cleanShared}" arg2="true" />
                        <antcall target="clean-shared" />

                <up:tomcatEarDeploy ear="${uportal-ear.artifact}" catalinaBase="${server.base}" webAppsDir="${server.webapps}" extractWars="${extractWars}" removeExistingDirectories="${removeExisting}" />

    <target name="deploy-war" depends="checkForTomcat" description="Deploy the uPortal web application to the servlet container">
            <antcall target="fastWarDeploy">
                <param name="warPath" value="${uportal-war.artifact}"/>

    <target name="deployPortletApp" depends="checkForTomcat" description="Deploys a portlet application">
        <!-- Check arguments -->
        <fail message="'-DportletApp=[WAR File]' must be specified">
                    <isset property="portletApp" />
            <available file="${user.dir}/${portletApp}" />
                <property name="portletAppPath" location="${user.dir}/${portletApp}"/>
                <property name="portletAppPath" location="${portletApp}"/>
        <fail message="portletApp '${portletAppPath}' does not exist">
                    <available file="${portletAppPath}" />

        <basename property="war.filename" file="${portletAppPath}" />

            <artifact:dependencies pathid="pluto-ant" verbose="false">
                <pom file="${bootstrap-pom.dir}/pluto-assembler-pom.xml" />
            <taskdef classname="org.apache.pluto.ant.AssembleTask" name="assemblePortlet">
                    <path refid="pluto-ant" />

        <assemblePortlet destdir="${jasig.tmpdir}" war="${portletAppPath}" />
        <antcall target="fastWarDeploy">
            <param name="warPath" value="${jasig.tmpdir}/${war.filename}"/>
        <delete file="${jasig.tmpdir}/${war.filename}" />

    <target name="md5passwd" depends="prodPrompt" description="Creates a user in the UP_PERSON_DIR table">
            <property name="username" value=" " />

            <echo message="Invoking Md5Passwd" />
            <java dir="${basedir}" classname="org.jasig.portal.security.Md5Passwd">
                <classpath refid="uportal-impl-full.classpath" />

                <arg value="-c" />
                <arg value="${username}" />

    <target name="deluser" depends="prodPrompt" description="Delete traces of a user from the portal database">
            <property name="user" value=" " />

            <echo message="Invoking DeleteUser" />
            <java dir="${basedir}" classname="org.jasig.portal.tools.DeleteUser" fork="true">
                <classpath refid="uportal-impl-full.classpath" />

                <arg value="${user}" />

    <target name="addstylesheet" depends="prodPrompt" description="Registers a new theme or structure">
            <property name="stylesheetType" value=" " />
            <property name="stylesheetUri" value=" " />
            <property name="descriptionUri" value=" " />

            <echo message="Invoking RegisterStylesheet (add)" />
            <java dir="${basedir}" fork="true" classname="org.jasig.portal.tools.RegisterStylesheet">
                <classpath refid="uportal-impl-full.classpath" />

                <arg value="${stylesheetType}" />
                <arg value="${stylesheetUri}" />
                <arg value="${descriptionUri}" />

    <target name="modstylesheet" depends="prodPrompt" description="Modifies an existing theme or structure">
            <property name="stylesheetType" value=" " />
            <property name="stylesheetUri" value=" " />
            <property name="descriptionUri" value=" " />
            <property name="stylesheetId" value=" " />

            <echo message="Invoking RegisterStylesheet (modify)" />
            <java dir="${basedir}" fork="true" classname="org.jasig.portal.tools.RegisterStylesheet">
                <classpath refid="uportal-impl-full.classpath" />

                <arg value="${stylesheetType}" />
                <arg value="-u" />
                <arg value="${stylesheetUri}" />
                <arg value="${descriptionUri}" />
                <arg value="${stylesheetId}" />

    <target name="delstylesheet" depends="prodPrompt" description="Deletes an existing theme or structure">
            <property name="stylesheetType" value=" " />
            <property name="stylesheetId" value=" " />

            <echo message="Invoking RegisterStylesheet (delete)" />
            <java dir="${basedir}" classname="org.jasig.portal.tools.RegisterStylesheet">
                <classpath refid="uportal-impl-full.classpath" />

                <arg value="${stylesheetType}" />
                <arg value="-d" />
                <arg value="${stylesheetId}" />

    <target name="hsql" description="Start a HSQLDB instance consistent with the default RDBMS requirements of uPortal">
        <property name="spawn" value="false" />
        <condition property="failonerror" value="false">
            <equals arg1="${spawn}" arg2="true" />
        <property name="failonerror" value="true" />
            <artifact:dependencies pathid="hsql.classpath" verbose="false">
                <pom file="${bootstrap-pom.dir}/hsqldb-pom.xml" />
            <property name="database" value="${basedir}/data/uP3_uPortal" />
            <property name="port" value="8887" />
            <echo message="Starting HSQL" />
            <echo message="Using: ${database}" />
            <java fork="true" spawn="${spawn}"  maxmemory="16M" dir="${basedir}" classname="org.hsqldb.Server" failonerror="${failonerror}">
                <classpath refid="hsql.classpath" />
                <arg value="-database" />
                <arg value="${database}" />
                <arg value="-port" />
                <arg value="${port}" />
    <target name="hsql-shutdown" description="Compacts then cleanly shuts down hsql, useful if the 'hsql' task was run with '-Dspawn=true'">
            <artifact:dependencies pathid="hsql.classpath" verbose="false">
                <pom file="${bootstrap-pom.dir}/hsqldb-pom.xml" />
            <echo message="Stopping HSQL" />
            <trycatch reference="hsql-shutdown.exceptionId">
                    <java fork="true" maxmemory="8M" dir="${basedir}" classname="org.hsqldb.util.SqlTool" timeout="5000" errorproperty="hsql-shutdown.err.out" failonerror="true">
                        <classpath refid="hsql.classpath" />
                        <arg value="--rcFile" />
                        <arg value="${bootstrap.dir}/hsqldb.sqltool.rc" />
                        <arg value="--sql" />
                        <arg value="shutdown compact" />
                        <arg value="uPortalDb" />
                        <contains string="${hsql-shutdown.err.out}" substring="java.sql.SQLException: socket creation error" />
                            <echo>HSQL is not running</echo>
                            <throw refid="hsql-shutdown.exceptionId" />

    <!-- ----------------------------== Utility Targets ----------------------------== -->
     | Utility to deploy a WAR to the container where the delete and the replacement happen
     | as close together as possible.
    <target name="fastWarDeploy">
        <fail message="'-DwarPath=[WAR File]' must be specified">
                    <isset property="warPath" />

        <basename property="war.contextname" file="${warPath}" suffix=".war" />
        <property name="war.dest" value="${server.webapps}/${war.contextname}" />
        <echo message="   extractWars=${extractWars}" />
        <echo message="removeExisting=${removeExisting}" />

            <os family="windows" />
                    <istrue value="${removeExisting}" />
                        <delete dir="${war.dest}" failonerror="false" />
                        <delete file="${war.dest}.war" failonerror="false" />
                    <istrue value="${extractWars}" />
                        <mkdir dir="${war.dest}" />
                        <unwar dest="${war.dest}" src="${warPath}" overwrite="true" />
                        <copy file="${warPath}" todir="${server.webapps}" />
                    <istrue value="${extractWars}" />
                        <property name="tempWarDir" value="${jasig.tmpdir}/${war.contextname}" />
                        <delete dir="${tempWarDir}" />
                        <mkdir dir="${tempWarDir}" />
                        <unwar dest="${tempWarDir}" src="${warPath}" overwrite="true" />
                            <istrue value="${removeExisting}" />
                                <delete dir="${war.dest}" />
                                <delete file="${war.dest}.war" />
                        <echo message="Moving ${tempWarDir} to ${server.webapps}" />
                        <move todir="${server.webapps}" file="${tempWarDir}" />
                            <istrue value="${removeExisting}" />
                                <delete dir="${war.dest}" />
                                <delete file="${war.dest}.war" />
                        <copy file="${warPath}" todir="${server.webapps}" />
    <target name="prodPrompt">
                <istrue value="${prodPrompt}" />
                    <isset property="continueWithProdTarget" />
                <echo>WARNING: This task may change or destroy data and should be run with care in production environments.</echo>
                <input message="Do you want to continue: " validargs="y,n" addproperty="continueWithProdTarget"/>
                <condition property="do.abort">
                    <equals arg1="n" arg2="${continueWithProdTarget}"/>
                <fail if="do.abort">Task aborted by user.</fail>
    <target name="checkForTomcat">
        <fail message="server.base build property must be set.">
                    <isset property="server.base" />
        <fail message="The server.base build property refers to a non-existant location '${server.base}'">
                    <available file="${server.base}" type="dir" />

    <!-- ----------------------------== Deprecated Targets ----------------------------== -->
    <target name="all">
        <echo>The "all" Ant task is no longer supported. Run 'mvn clean compile' for the same result.</echo>
        <fail message="The 'all' Ant task is no longer supported. Run 'mvn clean compile' for the same result.">
    <target name="compile">
        <echo>The "compile" Ant task is no longer supported. Run 'mvn compile' for the same result.</echo>
        <fail message="The 'compile' Ant task is no longer supported. Run 'mvn compile' for the same result.">
    <target name="compiletests">
        <echo>The "compiletests" Ant task is no longer supported. Run 'mvn test-compile' for the same result.</echo>
            <fail message="The 'compiletests' Ant task is no longer supported. Run 'mvn test-compile' for the same result.">
    <target name="deploy">
        <echo>The "deploy" Ant task is no longer supported. Run 'ant deploy-war' for the same result.</echo>
        <fail message="The 'deploy' Ant task is no longer supported. Run 'ant deploy-war' for the same result.">
    <target name="dist">
        <echo>The "dist" Ant task is no longer supported. Run 'mvn package site' for a similar result.</echo>
        <fail message="The 'dist' Ant task is no longer supported. Run 'mvn package site' for the same result.">
    <target name="javadoc">
        <echo>The "javadoc" Ant task is no longer supported. Run 'mvn javadoc:javadoc' for the same result.</echo>
        <fail message="The 'javadoc' Ant task is no longer supported. Run 'mvn javadoc:javadoc' for the same result.">
    <target name="runtests">
        <echo>The "runtests" Ant task is no longer supported. Run 'mvn test' for the same result.</echo>
        <fail message="The 'runtests' Ant task is no longer supported. Run 'mvn test' for the same result.">
    <target name="pubchan">
        <echo>The "pubchan" Ant task is no longer supported. Use 'ant crn-import' to publish channel entity XML files.</echo>
        <fail message="The 'pubchan' Ant task is no longer supported. Run 'ant crn-import' for the same result.">

    <!-- ----------------------------== Maven Support Macros ----------------------------== -->
     | Macro that simply calls the install-root-pom target using an 'ant' task instead of the
     | 'antcall' task to ensure the Maven tasks aren't tainted by a failed loading of the parent
     | pom.
    <macrodef name="uportal-parent-macro">
        <element name="sub-tasks" optional="false" implicit="true" />
             | Called via the <ant> task so the install happens in a different classloader. This
             | is required so an initial install which is missing jasig-parent doesn't cause problems
             | later due to the failed load of jasig-parent being cached.  
                    <available file="${parentPomInstallMarker.file}" />
                    <ant antfile="${basedir}/build.xml" target="install-parent-pom" />
                    <touch file="${parentPomInstallMarker.file}" />

            <sub-tasks />
    <target name="install-parent-pom">
        <artifact:pom file="${basedir}/pom.xml" id="uportal-parent.pom" />
        <artifact:install file="${basedir}/pom.xml" pomrefid="uportal-parent.pom" />
     | Macro for tasks involving a maven project. The macro loads the pom, creates a classpath,
     | ensures the project artifact is up-to-date, and runs the <sub-tasks> element. If the
     | artifact is not up-to-date the <pre-package> element can be used to add behavior before
     | 'mvn package' is called on the project.
     | The following are available in the pre-package and sub-tasks elements:
     | pom object   - @{project-name}.pom       - The Maven POM object for the project
     | property     - @{project-name}.artifact  - The full path to the final artifact
     | path         - @{project-name}.classpath - The projects classpath not including the artifact
    <macrodef name="maven-artifact-macro">
        <attribute name="project-name" />
        <attribute name="project-path" />
        <attribute name="checkFilesId" default="null" />

        <element name="sub-tasks" optional="true" implicit="true" />

             | Load the pom & classpath
            <artifact:pom file="@{project-path}/pom.xml" id="@{project-name}.pom" />
            <artifact:dependencies pathid="@{project-name}.classpath" verbose="false">
                <pom refid="@{project-name}.pom" />

             | Define the location of the resulting artifact
            <property name="@{project-name}.artifact" value="${@{project-name}.pom.build.directory}/${@{project-name}.pom.build.finalName}.${@{project-name}.pom.packaging}" />

             | Parse out the target directory without the preceding project path
            <length property="@{project-name}.path.length" string="@{project-path}/" />
            <propertyregex property="@{project-name}.build.directory" input="${@{project-name}.pom.build.directory}" regexp=".{${@{project-name}.path.length}}(.*)" select="\1" />

             | Do uptodate checking for project files and dependencies
            <uptodate property="@{project-name}.projectFilesUTD" targetfile="${@{project-name}.artifact}">
                <srcfiles dir="@{project-path}" defaultexcludes="true">
                    <exclude name="${@{project-name}.build.directory}/" />
                    <equals arg1="@{checkFilesId}" arg2="null" />
                    <uptodate property="@{project-name}.dependenciesUTD" targetfile="${@{project-name}.artifact}">
                        <srcfiles refid="@{checkFilesId}" />
                    <property name="@{project-name}.dependenciesUTD" value="true" />

             | Call 'mvn package' if files in the project are not up-to-date
                        <equals arg1="${@{project-name}.projectFilesUTD}" arg2="true" />
                        <equals arg1="${@{project-name}.dependenciesUTD}" arg2="true" />
                    <echo message="Artifact '${@{project-name}.artifact}' is not available or out-of-date, calling 'mvn install'" />

                     | Force the target artifact to be re-built by deleting it.
                    <delete file="${@{project-name}.artifact}" />

                    <antcall target="mvn">
                        <param name="pomDir" value="@{project-path}" />
                        <param name="goal" value="install" />
                    <echo message="Artifact '${@{project-name}.artifact}' is up-to-date" />
                    <artifact:install file="${@{project-name}.artifact}" pomrefid="@{project-name}.pom" />

             | Execute the sub-tasks
            <sub-tasks />

     | Provides a wrapper for tasks that need a classpath that includes the uPortal source
     | and all of its dependencies. The task also ensures the uportal-impl JAR exists and
     | is up to date.
     | The following are available in the impl-sub-tasks element:
     | pom object   - uportal-impl.pom                      - The Maven POM object for the uportal-impl pom
     | property     - uportal-impl.artifact                 - The full path to the uportal-impl JAR
     | path         - uportal-impl.classpath                - The uportal-impl classpath not including the uportal-impl JAR
     | path         - uportal-impl-full.classpath           - The uportal-impl classpath including the uportal-impl JAR
    <macrodef name="uportal-impl-macro">
        <element name="impl-sub-tasks" optional="false" implicit="true" />

                <fileset id="uportal-parent.pom.fsid" file="${basedir}/pom.xml" />
                <maven-artifact-macro project-name="uportal-impl" project-path="${uportal-impl.dir}" checkfilesid="uportal-parent.pom.fsid">
                     | Include the uportal-impl JAR in the final classpath
                    <path id="uportal-impl-full.classpath">
                        <path refid="uportal-impl.classpath" />
                        <pathelement location="${uportal-impl.artifact}" />
                     | Execute the impl-sub-tasks
                    <impl-sub-tasks />

     | Provides a wrapper for tasks that need a classpath that includes all of the uPortal WAR
     | dependencies. The task also ensures the uportal-war WAR exists and is up to date.
     | The following are available in the war-sub-tasks element:
     | properties from the uportal-impl-macro macrodef
     | pom object   - uportal-war.pom                       - The Maven POM object for the uportal-war pom
     | property     - uportal-war.artifact                  - The full path to the uportal-war WAR
     | path         - uportal-war.classpath                 - The uportal-war classpath not including the uportal-war WAR
    <macrodef name="uportal-war-macro">
        <element name="war-sub-tasks" optional="false" implicit="true" />

                <fileset id="uportal-impl-artifacts" file="${uportal-impl.artifact}" />
                <maven-artifact-macro project-name="uportal-war" project-path="${uportal-war.dir}" checkfilesid="uportal-impl-artifacts">
                     | Execute the war-sub-tasks
                    <war-sub-tasks />

     | Provides a wrapper for tasks that depend on the portlet overlays being installed and up-to-date.
     | No properties are set for the overlay-sub-tasks element.
    <macrodef name="uportal-portlets-overlay-macro">
        <element name="overlay-sub-tasks" optional="false" implicit="true" />

                 | Install the overlay parent project pom
                <artifact:pom file="${uportal-portlets-overlay.dir}/pom.xml" id="uportal-portlets-overlay.pom" />
                <artifact:install file="${uportal-portlets-overlay.dir}/pom.xml" pomrefid="uportal-portlets-overlay.pom" />
                <fileset id="uportal-portlets-overlay.pom.fsid" dir="${basedir}">
                    <filename name="${basedir}/pom.xml"/>
                    <filename name="${uportal-portlets-overlay.dir}/pom.xml"/>
                 | Iterate over the child projects and run the artifact macro on each of them
                <for param="portlet-overlay-dir">
                        <dirset dir="${uportal-portlets-overlay.dir}">
                            <include name="*"/>
                            <available file="@{portlet-overlay-dir}/pom.xml" />
                                <basename file="@{portlet-overlay-dir}" property="@{portlet-overlay-dir}-name" />
                                <maven-artifact-macro project-name="${@{portlet-overlay-dir}-name}" project-path="@{portlet-overlay-dir}" checkfilesid="uportal-portlets-overlay.pom.fsid" />
                <fileset id="portletWars.fsid" dir="${uportal-portlets-overlay.dir}">
                    <include name="*/target/*.war"/>
                 | Execute the overlay-sub-tasks
                <overlay-sub-tasks />
     | Provides a wrapper for tasks that need a classpath that includes all of the uPortal EAR
     | dependencies. The task also ensures the uportal-ear EAR exists and is up to date.
     | The following are available in the ear-sub-tasks element:
     | properties from the uportal-war-macro macrodef
     | pom object   - uportal-ear.pom               - The Maven POM object for the uportal-ear pom
     | property     - uportal-ear.artifact          - The full path to the uportal-ear EAR
     | path         - uportal-ear.classpath         - The uportal-ear classpath not including the uportal-ear EAR
    <macrodef name="uportal-ear-macro">
        <element name="ear-sub-tasks" optional="false" implicit="true" />

                    <fileset id="uportal-war-artifacts" file="${uportal-war.artifact}" />
                    <maven-artifact-macro project-name="uportal-ear" project-path="${uportal-ear.dir}" checkfilesid="uportal-war-artifacts">
                         | Execute the ear-sub-tasks
                        <ear-sub-tasks />

     | Provides a wrapper for tasks that need a classpath that includes the uPortal ear deployer
     | and all of its dependencies. The task also ensures the uportal-impl JAR exists and
     | is up to date.
     | The following are available in the ear-deployer-sub-tasks element:
     | pom object   - uportal-ear-deployer.pom              - The Maven POM object for the uportal-ear-deployer pom
     | property     - uportal-ear-deployer.artifact         - The full path to the uportal-ear-deployer JAR
     | path         - uportal-ear-deployer.classpath        - The uportal-ear-deployer classpath not including the uportal-ear-deployer JAR
     | path         - uportal-ear-deployer-full.classpath   - The uportal-impl classpath including the uportal-impl JAR
    <macrodef name="uportal-ear-deployer-macro">
        <element name="ear-deployer-sub-tasks" optional="false" implicit="true" />

                <fileset id="uportal-parent.pom.fsid" file="${basedir}/pom.xml" />
                <maven-artifact-macro project-name="uportal-ear-deployer" project-path="${uportal-ear-deployer.dir}" checkfilesid="uportal-parent.pom.fsid">
                     | Include the uportal-ear-deployer JAR in the final classpath
                    <path id="uportal-ear-deployer-full.classpath">
                        <path refid="uportal-ear-deployer.classpath" />
                        <pathelement location="${uportal-ear-deployer.artifact}" />
                     | Execute the ear-deployer-sub-tasks
                    <ear-deployer-sub-tasks />

     | Provides a wrapper for tasks that need a classpath that includes all of the uPortal WAR
     | dependencies. The task also ensures the uportal-war WAR exists and is up to date.
     | The following are available in the ant-tasks-sub-tasks element:
     | properties from the uportal-ear-deployer-macro macrodef
     | pom object   - uportal-ant-tasks.pom                 - The Maven POM object for the uportal-ant-tasks pom
     | property     - uportal-ant-tasks.artifact            - The full path to the uportal-ant-tasks JAR
     | path         - uportal-ant-tasks.classpath           - The uportal-ant-tasks classpath not including the uportal-ant-tasks WAR
     | path         - uportal-ant-tasks-full.classpath      - The uportal-ant-tasks classpath including the uportal-ant-tasks JAR
    <macrodef name="uportal-ant-tasks-macro">
        <element name="ant-tasks-sub-tasks" optional="false" implicit="true" />

                <fileset id="uportal-ear-deployer-artifacts" file="${uportal-ear-deployer.artifact}" />
                <maven-artifact-macro project-name="uportal-ant-tasks" project-path="${uportal-ant-tasks.dir}" checkfilesid="uportal-ear-deployer-artifacts">
                     | Include the uportal-ear-deployer JAR in the final classpath
                    <path id="uportal-ant-tasks-full.classpath">
                        <path refid="uportal-ant-tasks.classpath" />
                        <pathelement location="${uportal-ant-tasks.artifact}" />

                     | Execute the ant-tasks-sub-tasks
                    <ant-tasks-sub-tasks />
     | Utility target for executing a maven with some number (up to 10) of goals. The
     | target should automaticly work on all OSs as long as 'mvn' is on the path.
    <target name="mvn">
        <property name="goal" value="" />
        <property name="goal1" value="" />
        <property name="goal2" value="" />
        <property name="goal3" value="" />
        <property name="goal4" value="" />
        <property name="goal5" value="" />
        <property name="goal6" value="" />
        <property name="goal7" value="" />
        <property name="goal8" value="" />
        <property name="goal9" value="" />

            <os family="windows" />
                <property name="mvnExecutable" value="mvn.bat" />
                <property name="mvnExecutable" value="mvn" />
        <condition property="maven.bin" value="${maven.home}/bin/">
            <isset property="maven.home"/>
        <property name="maven.bin" value="" />
        <condition property="test.skip" value="-Dmaven.test.skip=true">
            <isset property="maven.test.skip"/>
        <property name="test.skip" value="-Djasig" />
        <condition property="offline" value="-o">
            <isset property="maven.offline"/>
        <property name="offline" value="-Djasig" />

        <exec executable="${maven.bin}${mvnExecutable}" dir="${pomDir}" vmlauncher="true" resolveexecutable="true" searchpath="true" failonerror="true">
            <env key="MAVEN_TERMINATE_CMD" value="on" />
            <arg value="${test.skip}" />
            <arg value="${offline}" />
            <arg value="${goal}" />
            <arg value="${goal1}" />
            <arg value="${goal2}" />
            <arg value="${goal3}" />
            <arg value="${goal4}" />
            <arg value="${goal5}" />
            <arg value="${goal6}" />
            <arg value="${goal7}" />
            <arg value="${goal8}" />
            <arg value="${goal9}" />

File: build.properties.sample

# Modify this file to suit your environment.
# The values of these properties will
# override the values of properties of the
# same name in the build.xml file.
# Use forward slashes for path names even if
# you are in a Windows environment!

#-------------------- File and Directory Names ------------------------

##### Replace server.home with the location of Tomcat 6 on your machine #####
# path to tomcat binaries

# path to tomcat servlet container (defaults to same directory as the tomcat binaries)

# path to webapps directory (defaults to /webapps under the tomcat path)

# If the mvn executable isn't on your path you can set the location here or set it on your path.

######## Deployment Configuration ##########
# The following apply to deployPortletApp, deploy-war, and deploy-ear targets

# Should the deployment tools extract the WARs when copying them into the servlet container 

# Should the existing webapp be removed before deploying the new webapp

# The following applies to the clean and deploy-ear targets.
# Should the shared library location have all existing files removed when clean is run.
# NOTE: Tomcat 6.0 does not include any libraries in shared/lib by default so as long as
#       all required libraries are declared in the uportal-ear it is ok to set this to true.

# Prompt the user before running ant tasks that could modify the database


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5.Tomcat ant build script
6.OFBiz ant build script
7.Apache Lenya Build System
8.Apache pivot ant build script
9.XmlSchema ant script
10.xml security
11.velocity tools ant script
12.weka build script
13.xml bean ant script
14.xml graphics common ant script
15.SmartGWT ant script
16.Build file to fetch maven2 tasks; extracted from (Ant's) fetch.xml
17.Build file to fetch optional libraries for Apache Ant
18.Ant build script
19.Build script for apache-cassandra-0.5.1-src
22.Build script from apache dbutils
23.Fop build script
24.Google guice ant script
25.GWT ant script
26.hadoop ant build script
27.jakarta jmeter ant script
28.jakarta oro ant script
29.jakarta regexp ant script
30.jedit build script
31.jibx ant build script
32.lucene ant build script