Big Project Ant Script « Ant « Java

1.Ant script for xmlgraphics-commons
2.nutch ant script
3.rhino ant build script
4.apache solr ant script
5.Tomcat ant build script
6.OFBiz ant build script
7.Apache Lenya Build System
8.Apache pivot ant build script
9.XmlSchema ant script

10.xml security
11.velocity tools ant script
12.weka build script
13.xml bean ant script
14.xml graphics common ant script
15.uPortal ant script
16.SmartGWT ant script
17.Build file to fetch maven2 tasks; extracted from (Ant's) fetch.xml
18.Build file to fetch optional libraries for Apache Ant
19.Ant build script
20.Build script for apache-cassandra-0.5.1-src
23.Build script from apache dbutils
24.Fop build script
25.Google guice ant script
26.GWT ant script
27.hadoop ant build script
28.jakarta jmeter ant script
29.jakarta oro ant script
30.jakarta regexp ant script
31.jedit build script
32.jibx ant build script
33.lucene ant build script