Performs continuous matching of a pattern in a given string. : String search « Data Type « Java

Performs continuous matching of a pattern in a given string.


// Useful when looping for the records within the search results.

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//package org.opentides.util;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

//import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

 * This class performs continuous matching of a pattern in a given string.
 * Useful when looping for the records within the search results.
 * @author allanctan
public class BlockSplitter {
  //private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(BlockSplitter.class);
  private String prePattern;
  private String endPattern;

   * @param prePattern - starting pattern
   * @param endPattern - ending pattern
  public BlockSplitter(String prePattern, String endPattern) {
    this.prePattern = prePattern;
    this.endPattern = endPattern;

   * Performs matching for the declared prePattern and endPattern
   * @return - the next matching string. null if not found.
  public List<String> split(String code) {
    int startIndex = 0;
    List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>();
    //if (StringUtil.isEmpty(code))
      //return ret;
    while (startIndex < code.length()) {
      int preIndex =  code.indexOf(prePattern, startIndex);
      if ( preIndex != -1 ) { 
        ret.add(code.substring(startIndex, preIndex));
        int endIndex =  code.indexOf(endPattern, preIndex);
        if (endIndex != -1) {
          startIndex = endIndex+endPattern.length();
          ret.add(code.substring(preIndex+prePattern.length(), endIndex));
        } else {
        //  _log.error("No matching end string ["+prePattern+"] found for ["+endPattern+"]");
      } else {
        // no more match found
    return ret;
package org.opentides.util;

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;

public class BlockSplitterTest {
  public void testSplitComment() {
    BlockSplitter split = new BlockSplitter("/*","*/");
    String test1 = "Hello /* Comment */ ko to";
    String[] expected1 = {"Hello ", " Comment ", " ko to"};
    Assert.assertArrayEquals(expected1, split.split(test1).toArray());
        String test2 = "Hello /* Comment */";
        String[] expected2 = {"Hello ", " Comment "};
        Assert.assertArrayEquals(expected2, split.split(test2).toArray());
        String test3 = "/* Comment */ ko to";
        String[] expected3 = {""," Comment ", " ko to"};
        Assert.assertArrayEquals(expected3, split.split(test3).toArray());
    public void testNoSplit() {
        BlockSplitter split = new BlockSplitter("/*","*/");
        String test1 = "Hello /* Comment";
        String[] expected1 = {"Hello /* Comment"};
        Assert.assertArrayEquals(expected1, split.split(test1).toArray());
        String test2 = "";
        String[] expected2 = {};
        Assert.assertArrayEquals(expected2, split.split(test2).toArray());


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21.Helper functions to query a strings start portion. The comparison is case insensitive.
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32.Case insensitive removal of a substring if it is at the end of a source string, otherwise returns the source string.
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