Testing Nested Layer Coordinate Systems (W3C) : Layer « HTML « JavaScript DHTML

Testing Nested Layer Coordinate Systems (W3C)

JavaScript Bible, Fourth Edition
by Danny Goodman 

John Wiley & Sons CopyRight 2001

<TITLE>Nested Layer Coordinates (W3C)</TITLE>
// offsets within page
function getGrossOffsetLeft(elem) {
    var offset = 0
    while (elem.offsetParent) {
        // correct for IE/Mac discrepancy between offset and style coordinates,
        // but not if the parent is HTML element (NN6)
        offset += (elem.offsetParent.tagName != "HTML") ? 
            parseInt(elem.style.left) - parseInt(elem.offsetLeft) : 0
        elem = elem.offsetParent
        offset += elem.offsetLeft
    return offset
function getGrossOffsetTop(elem) {
    var offset = 0
    while (elem.offsetParent) {
        // correct for IE/Mac discrepancy between offset and style coordinates,
        // but not if the parent is HTML element (NN6)
        offset += (elem.offsetParent.tagName != "HTML") ? 
            parseInt(elem.style.top) - parseInt(elem.offsetTop) : 0
        elem = elem.offsetParent
        offset += elem.offsetTop
    return offset
// offsets within element's positioning context
function getNetOffsetLeft(offset, elem) {
    while (elem = getParentLayer(elem)) {
        // correct for IE/Mac discrepancy between offset and style coordinates,
        // but not if the parent is HTML element (NN6)
        offset -= (elem.offsetParent.tagName != "HTML") ? 
            parseInt(elem.style.left) - parseInt(elem.offsetLeft) : 0
        offset -= elem.offsetLeft
    return offset
function getNetOffsetTop(offset, elem) {
    while (elem = getParentLayer(elem)) {
        // correct for IE/Mac discrepancy between offset and style coordinates,
        // but not if the parent is HTML element (NN6)
        offset -= (elem.offsetParent.tagName != "HTML") ? 
            parseInt(elem.style.top) - parseInt(elem.offsetTop) : 0
        offset -= elem.offsetTop
    return offset
// find positioning context parent element
function getParentLayer(elem) {
    if (elem.parentNode) {
        while (elem.parentNode != document.body) {
            elem = elem.parentNode
            while (elem.nodeType != 1) {
                elem = elem.parentNode
            if (elem.style.position == "absolute" || elem.style.position == "relative") {
                return elem

elem = elem.parentNode
        return null
    } else if (elem.offsetParent && elem.offsetParent.tagName != "HTML") {
        return elem.offsetParent
    } else {
        return null
// functions that respond to changes in text boxes
function setOuterPage(field) {
    var val = parseInt(field.value)
    var elem = document.getElementById("outerDisplay")
    switch (field.name) {
        case "pageX" :
            elem.style.left = ((elem.offsetParent) ? getNetOffsetLeft(val, elem) : val) + "px"
        case "pageY" :
            elem.style.top = ((elem.offsetParent) ? getNetOffsetTop(val, elem) : val) + "px"
function setOuterLayer(field) {
    var val = parseInt(field.value)
    switch (field.name) {
        case "left" :
            document.getElementById("outerDisplay").style.left = val + "px"
        case "top" :
            document.getElementById("outerDisplay").style.top = val + "px"
function setInnerPage(field) {
    var val = parseInt(field.value)
    var elem = document.getElementById("innerDisplay")
    switch (field.name) {
        case "pageX" :
            elem.style.left = ((elem.offsetParent) ? getNetOffsetLeft(val, elem) : val) + "px"
        case "pageY" :
            elem.style.top = ((elem.offsetParent) ? getNetOffsetTop(val, elem) : val) + "px"
function setInnerLayer(field) {
    var val = parseInt(field.value)
    switch (field.name) {
        case "left" :
            document.getElementById("innerDisplay").style.left = val + "px"
        case "top" :
            document.getElementById("innerDisplay").style.top = val + "px"
function showValues() {
    var form = document.forms[0]
    var outer = document.getElementById("outerDisplay")
    var inner = document.getElementById("innerDisplay")
    form.elements[0].value = outer.offsetLeft + 
    ((outer.offsetParent) ? getGrossOffsetLeft(outer) : 0)
    form.elements[1].value = outer.offsetTop + 
    ((outer.offsetParent) ? getGrossOffsetTop(outer) : 0)
    form.elements[2].value = parseInt(outer.style.left)
    form.elements[3].value = parseInt(outer.style.top)
    form.elements[4].value = inner.offsetLeft + 
    ((inner.offsetParent) ? getGrossOffsetLeft(inner) : 0)
    form.elements[5].value = inner.offsetTop + 
    ((inner.offsetParent) ? getGrossOffsetTop(inner) : 0)
    form.elements[6].value = parseInt(inner.style.left)
    form.elements[7].value = parseInt(inner.style.top)
<BODY onLoad="showValues()">
<H1>Nested Layer Coordinates (W3C)</H1>
Enter new page and layer coordinates for the <FONT COLOR="coral">outer
 layer</FONT> and <FONT COLOR="aquamarine">inner layer</FONT> objects.<P>
<DIV STYLE="position:absolute; top:130">
    <TD ALIGN="right" BGCOLOR="coral">Page X:</TD>
    <TD BGCOLOR="coral"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="pageX" SIZE=3 
    <TD ALIGN="right" BGCOLOR="coral">Page Y:</TD>
    <TD BGCOLOR="coral"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="pageY" SIZE=3 

    <TD ALIGN="right" BGCOLOR="coral">Container X:</TD>
    <TD BGCOLOR="coral"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="left" SIZE=3 
    <TD ALIGN="right" BGCOLOR="coral">Container Y:</TD>
    <TD BGCOLOR="coral"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="top" SIZE=3 
    <TD ALIGN="right" BGCOLOR="aquamarine">Page X:</TD>
    <TD BGCOLOR="aquamarine"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="pageX" SIZE=3 
    <TD ALIGN="right" BGCOLOR="aquamarine">Page Y:</TD>
    <TD BGCOLOR="aquamarine"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="pageY" SIZE=3 
    <TD ALIGN="right" BGCOLOR="aquamarine">Container X:</TD>
    <TD BGCOLOR="aquamarine"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="left" SIZE=3 
    <TD ALIGN="right" BGCOLOR="aquamarine">Container Y:</TD>
    <TD BGCOLOR="aquamarine"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="top" SIZE=3 
<DIV ID="outerDisplay" STYLE="position:absolute; top:130; left:200; width:370;
 height:190; background-color:coral">
<DIV ID="innerDisplay" STYLE="position:absolute; top:5; left:5; width:360;
 height:180; background-color:aquamarine" >
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting 
the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or 
the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for 
a redress of grievances.


Related examples in the same category

1.Layer 'srcFilter' Example
2.Monitors divisions (or layers) on dynamic Web pages (DHTML)
3.Hide and show layer
4. Layer Background Colors (W3C)
5.Setting Layer Backgrounds (W3C)
6.The layer while rolling over the link.
7.Accessing Layers with JavaScript
8.'layer' and 'ilayer' Tag Properties
9.Detecting Navigator and Internet Explorer
10. Adjusting Layer clip Properties (W3C)
11.Comparison of Layer and Clip Location Properties (W3C)
12.Nested Layer Visibility Relationships (W3C)
13.Relationships Among zIndex Values (W3C)
14.Dragging a Layer (W3C)
15.Resizing a Layer (W3C)
16.Methods and Properties of the Layer Object
17.Layer seek