Creating an HTML Table : select « Database « Perl

Creating an HTML Table



use DBI;
use strict;
use CGI qw/:standard/;

my $username = "dbuser";
my $password = "dbpassword";
my $dsn = "dbi:mysql:mysql:";
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$username,$password)
  or die "Cannot connect to database: $DBI::errstr";

my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT host,user FROM mysql.user");

    or die "Cannot execute sth: $DBI::errstr";

print header,
        start_html('MySQL Hosts and Users'),
while (my ($hostname,$username) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
        if ($hostname eq "") {
                $hostname = "<b>undef</b>";
        print Tr({-align=>'CENTER',-valign=>'TOP'},

print end_html;



Related examples in the same category

1.Select, Execute, and Dump the Results
2.Select, Execute, and Fetch a Row as a Hash
3.Select, Execute, and Fetch a Row as an Array
4.Simple query
5.The First SQL Query
6.Using a Placeholder
7.Creating a Web Page Integrated with SQL Data