File statistics returned from the stat command : stat « File « Perl

File statistics returned from the stat command



dev               ID of device containing a directory entry for this file.

ino               Inode number.

mode              File permission mode.

nlink             Number of links.

uid               User ID of the file's owner.

gid               Group ID of the file's group.

rdev              ID of device. This is defined only for character of block special files.

size              File size in bytes.

atime             Time of last access in seconds since the epoch.

mtime             Time of last modification in seconds since the epoch.

ctime             Time of last status change in seconds since the epoch.

blksize           Preferred I/O block size. Valid only on BSD type systems.

blocks            Number of blocks allocated for file. Valid only on BSD systems.


Related examples in the same category

1.Getting Information on a File
2.Get return value from stat function
3.Get the file size
4.Get the length of a file
5.File stats
6.Checks the permissions of a file
7.Call stat function from file handle
8.Lists files in directory; then gets info on files with stat
9.The stat Function for Windows NT File Attributes