Set Button Foreground Color : Control Attributes « GUI « Perl

Set Button Foreground Color


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Tk;

$Tk::strictMotif = 1;

$main = MainWindow->new();

$button1 = $main->Button(-text => "Exit",
                         -command => \&exit_button,
                         -foreground => "orangered" );

$button1->configure(-background => "white" );
$button2 = $main->Button(-text => "Push Me",
                         -command => \&change_color,
                         -foreground => "black", 
                         -background => "steelblue");



sub exit_button {
    print "You pushed the button!\n";

sub change_color {
    $button1->configure(-background => "red",
                        -foreground => "white");
    $button2->configure(-background => "maroon",
                        -foreground => "white",
                        -font       => "-*-times-bold-r-normal-20-140-*");


Related examples in the same category

1.Set Button Text
2.Set Check Box Button Text Value
3.Set Check Box Button onvalue and offvalue
4.Changing Attributes in a Perl/Tk interface
5.Change Button Background Color in Button Action
6.Embeded controls
7.Hide and show control