Compound Assignment Operators : Assignment Operators « Language Basics « Perl

Compound Assignment Operators


Operator        Example             Meaning

+=              $a += 3;            Add 

-=              $a -= 3;            Subtract

*=              $a *= 3;            Multiply

/=              $a /= 3;            Divide

**=             $a **= 3;           Raise the power

%=              $a %= 3;            Modulo

.=              $a .= "String Value";       Append

x=              $a x= 3;            Multiply (replicate) the expression (string)

&=              $a &= 3;            Binary AND

|=              $a |= 3;            Binary OR

^=              $a ^= 3;            Exclusive OR

<<=             $a <<= 3;           Left shift

>>=             $a >>= 3;           Right shift

&&=             $a &&= 1;           Logical AND

||=             $a ||= 0;           Logical OR


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