Perl offers many types of operators : Perl Script « Language Basics « Perl

Perl offers many types of operators


Assignment              =,  +=,  -=,  *= , %=,  ^=,  &=,  |=,  .=
Numeric equality        ==, !=, <=>
String equality         eq, ne, cmp
Relational numeric      >   >=  < <=
Relational string       gt, ge, lt, le
Range                   5 .. 10 # range between 5 and 10, increment by 1
Logical                 &&, and,  ||, or, XOR, xor,  !
Autoincrement/decrement ++  --
File                    -r, -w, -x,-o, -e, -z, -s, -f, -d, -l, etc.
Bitwise                 ~  &  |   ^   <<   >>
String concatenation    .
String repetition       x
Arithmetic              * / - + %
Pattern matching        =~, !~


Related examples in the same category

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2.Perl Statements
3.Numeric operators
4.Operator Precedence
5.Operator associativity.
6.Operator precedence.
7.Operators demo: Combined Assignment Operators
8.Operators demo: Comparison Operators
9.Operators demo: Logical Operators
10.Operators demo: String Operators
11.Perl Flow Control Commands
12.Perl Flow Control in Brief
13.Precedence and Associativity
14.The startup line tells the shell where Perl is located.
15.Statements, Whitespace, and Linebreaks
16.Ending modifiers