Character Class: Anchored Characters : Character Class « Regular Expression « Perl

Character Class: Anchored Characters


Metacharacter               What It Matches
\b                          Matches a word boundary (when not inside [ ])
\B                          Matches a nonword boundary
^                           Matches to beginning of line
$                           Matches to end of line
\A                          Matches the beginning of the string only
\Z                          Matches the end of the string or line
\z                          Matches the end of string only
\G                          Matches where previous m//g left off


Related examples in the same category

1.Character Class: Alternative Characters
2.Character Class: Miscellaneous Characters
3.Character Class: Remembered Characters
4.Character Class: Repeated Characters
5.Character Class: Whitespace Characters
6.Match any number of alphanumerics followed by a single space character
7.Match at least one alphanumeric followed by a single space character
8.Posix and Unicode Classes
9.The bracket metacharacters and negation
10.The bracketed character class